Max Payne: The American Dream

· Andaluso Errante Books
89 reviews

About this ebook

From videogame to novel: the descent into hell of a policeman who has nothing more to lose. After losing his wife and daughter from some thugs addicted to a new and powerful drug, Valkyrie, Max Payne is left to lead his personal crusade by infiltrating the criminal organization of the Puncinello family.

Ratings and reviews

89 reviews
Mark Hutchison
January 2, 2023
I don't want to rate it because I'm sure it is a fine book, but will give it a 3 star because the the first couple pages he says he kept all the dialogue, but it's not the same at all. It's pretty close but I have all the graphic novel parts engraved in my head. So, it hurt to read it because I was filling in words they weren't there.
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George Jones
June 14, 2023
most discombobulated mess I have ever tried to must have worn out a thesaurus trying to write.don,t give up your day job.
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mask boy
August 19, 2022
WHAT ARE YOU DOIN PAYNE You cant just come in here waven a peice around like it meant something BANG AAAaahh you shot me AAah WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR YOU APES SHOOT HIM
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