"Discover Your Past Lives: A Journey of Self-Knowledge" is a book written by Isis Estrada, a renowned past life therapist and Akashic records teacher. In this book, Isis guides you step by step through the process of self-exploration of your past lives, from the basics of reincarnation to techniques of regression, meditation, and self-hypnosis. Furthermore, she teaches you how to heal through past life therapy, how to overcome blocks and fears, how to identify themes and patterns across your previous lives, how to recognize karmic connections with others, how to awaken your innate gifts inherited from the past, how to explore diverse past lives and cultures, how to glimpse your future life, and how to integrate the awareness of the soul's immortality.
This book is not just a theoretical work but also an invitation to practice. Each chapter contains exercises, guided meditations, and reflection questions that will help you delve deeper into the study of your past lives. Lastly, the book includes Isis's personal experience during the exploration of the period between lives, as well as her vision of collective healing.
"Discover Your Past Lives: A Journey of Self-Knowledge" is a book that will open the doors to a fascinating and revealing world. A book that will make you see your life through different eyes, with more understanding, forgiveness, and self-compassion. A book that will inspire you to embrace the tapestry of your past stories and live your present with more fullness and purpose.
This book follows a course format and is accredited by The International Guild of Complementary Therapists (IGCT) in England. Anyone who has completed the book can request their completion diploma.
La terapeuta Isis Estrada, es maestra en psicología y doctora en metafísica; graduada de University of Minnesota E.U.A. y la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, de España. Por varias décadas ha sido catedrática en diversas universidades de su país natal, México; es también autora de variados libros relacionados con las terapias alternativas y el misticismo, los cuales han sido publicados al español y al inglés. En la actualidad es directora general del Centro de Terapias Alternativas "Sendero Místico", de la Ciudad de México. Es también miembro y proveedor autorizado de cursos por parte de "The International Guild of Complementary Therapists", de Londres Inglaterra (IGCT).