Sarah Orchard
He loved his family before going to stay at the church. When his family went to get him to see his mother. He didn't want to leave. She was dying for some unknown reason. (Why isn't she in a hospital?) Then his REALLY sad and teary when seeing her, but just before he didn't think she was his mother any more. Why does he care if he feels so strongly for the church?
Carlos Portilo
I read this years ago when I first started to get know my own religion. This little book covers pattern and expected result of the Catholic system. I Read my bible and I found out that the Catholic system does not go by the bible in the first place but instead goes by the canon laws stated in the first Vatican in 1532 AD." The counsel of Trent" Believe this book or not but you wont escape what the catholic system is and what the bible says about it! Thank you Alberto in pointing out the truth about the religion I was born into. I follow the bible and I am self aware of everything I can possible know. I now question everything I do and where it comes from. I now know the difference if it bible or catholic traditions. The two choices we have follow God or Follow men's Traditions like mass, communion, and etc. Things that clearly are NOT in the Bible.
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Gracie G
As a Christian, seeing someone who was devouted to his former beliefs changed by God is very touching, heart warming. Ine can never know how God can work on someone's life how God will show you the truth. People should read this book they need to be aware of what is the truth behind the RCC.
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