Associate Professor Janet McIntyre, the principal supervisor and academic adviser during my research higher degree study. She encouraged me to better understanding human value-rationality, contexts and pragmatism in the issues of power and democracy. Dr Craig Matheson has expanded my understanding of rational irrationality in voting that shaped my work at the early stage.
Prof Dr Yogi Sugito (the former Rector of Universitas Brawijaya) and Prof Dr Darsono Wisadirana (Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya) who strongly encouraged me to study abroad. Prof Ifar Subagio PhD and his staffs at the International Office of Universitas Brawijaya had given me administrative and financial supports. My colleagues at the Political Science Department, Universitas Brawijaya, particularly to Dr Sholih Muadi, Wawan E. Kuswandoro, M.Si, and M. Faishal Aminuddin, M.Si who voluntarily assisted me with logistic and data supports during the fieldwork. Also, to Dwi Budi Santosa PhD for his permit to use local budget (APBD) data collected in the project of East Java Public Expenditure Analysis.