Robert von Friedeburg has been a Visiting Fellow at Harvard University, Massachusetts (1987–88), a Heisenberg Research Fellow (1996–2000), a Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (2002), and holder of the Chaire Dupron (Sorbonne, Paris, 2009). He received the Bennigsen Foerder Prize in 1992 and has been a member of the Academia Europaea since 2012. He is the author of seven monographs and the editor of ten volumes, including Self-Defence and Religious Strife in Early Modern Europe: England and Germany, 1530–1680 (2002), Murder and Monarchy: Regicide in European History, 1300–1800 (2004) and Perspectives on an Interdisciplinary Subject: Politics, Law, Society, History and Religion in the Politica, 1590s–1650s (2013).