spends most of his professional time as a Web Developer at James Madison University
(JMU). He is also on the adjunct faculty for Blue Ridge Community College where
he teaches his own curriculum in Introduction to Web Development (X/HTML, CSS and
JavaScript) for Continuing Education. Jamie’s past experience includes work as a
Computing Support Analyst for JMU and a Webmaster for small businesses, a Help
Desk Operator and a PC/Networking Specialist for WLR Foods, Inc., a Mainframe Operator
intern for Merck & Co., Inc., and a Micro-computing Lab Consultant at JMU.
Jamie also spent 5 years as a counselor and behavioral therapist with some of
those years as a Licensed Professional Counselor in a variety of treatment
settings (private practice, residential treatment, community mental health and
school). Jamie earned his Bachelor of Business Administration in Computer
Information Systems from JMU and Master of Arts degree in Counseling from
Eastern Mennonite University. In addition to being a Web Developer, James is a
CompTIA A+ Certified Professional, Apple Certified Help Desk Specialist,
HDI-Certified Help Desk Analyst, HDI-Certified Help Desk Manager, Microsoft
Office Specialist, and W3Schools Certified HTML Developer. Mr. Johnson’s skill
set includes HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, XSL (including XSLT
and XPath), XML, Mason, Java, JavaFX, ASP, PHP, SQL, Perl and Velocity. In his
free time, he enjoys time with his wife, playing with his children, serving
through his church, playing floor hockey, maintaining his multiple personal
websites, researching genealogy, watching movies (especially science fiction),
history and theology.