إن نهجهما داعم و ودود، وأهم من ذلك أنه فعال، إنه يقدم طرائق مبتكرة لحل المشكلات العادية مثل:
كيف تستمع إلى هموم صغيرك، وكيف تفهمها.
كيف تُقيم جو التعاون في عائلتك دون تذمر ولانكد.
كيف تتعامل أنت وصغيرك مع العواطف والشعور.
كيف تجد بديلاً عن العقاب.
كيف تساعد صغارك على تحقيق الثقة الإيجابية بأنفسهم.
العبيكان 2018
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish are #1 New York Times bestselling and award-winning authors whose books have sold more than five million copies and have been translated into over thirty languages. The authors’ group workshop programs and videos are currently being used by thousands of parent and teacher groups around the world. They currently reside in Long Island, New York and each is the parent of three children.
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish are #1 New York Times bestselling and award-winning authors whose books have sold more than five million copies and have been translated into over thirty languages. The authors’ group workshop programs and videos are currently being used by thousands of parent and teacher groups around the world. They currently reside in Long Island, New York and each is the parent of three children.