Welcome to the world of pimping and pandering! Be the best pimp you can be! There is so much knowledge and understanding of the world in the pimping game. First and foremost you must understand the true history of pimping in these United States of America. It was created out of shear necessity! The white wealthy European men in American society couldn’t resist the temptation and lure of exotic dark skinned women. This sexual fantasy is not foreign or centralized to America but continues to expand and thrive throughout the earth worldwide all over the globe north and south of the equator!What did you want to be when you grew up? All I wanted to do was be a pimp! We all have dreams and mine was to become the best pimp I could be! I grew up in the streets and looked forward to being just like the stylish well-spoken silver tongued hustlers with money, power, and respect that I looked up to! Living in the ghetto children grow up admiring street super heroes like pimps and drug dealers. Options are very limited when you come from poverty. If you don't have god given talent athletically or musically you have to accept more realistic aspirations especially if you have little or no education. The streets become ground central for breeding and educating hustlers. The art of pimping is slowly dying off and adapting progressively in reverse into something primitive and unrecognizable. Young men in this millennium generation all calling themselves pimps when in all reality they are living off women in public housing who have little or no income on government assistance. In my opinion this is not real pimping it is a means of survival by mostly weak men with no talent or ability to make it on their own. When they end one of these types of relationships these little mama’s boy go back to being in a romantic incestuous nest. These infantile adult toddlers are used to being spoiled and breast fed and require their lovers to do everything their mothers do for them. They need to be mothered in their romantic relations and continue to compare their lovers to their mothers until their girl gets tired of being compared to their weak man’s mother and send them garbage bag in hand back to the loving maternal arms of their mom who will allow them to enter back into their accepting wombs.These loving and caring women coddle them and protect them from hurt harm and danger and comfort them like a familiar lover. It took a lot of time and dedication but I have my PhD in Pimping from Players University!This game is real and so are its players so enter into it cautiously with inspiration preparation and full dedication!