HAUHOUOT DIAMBRA-ODI, a native of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), earned a doctorate degree in poultry science and nutrition at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA. He is currently an associate professor at the College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Guam, where he teaches nutrition and health, advanced human nutrition and has developed online courses in animal science and sustainable animal production systems. Hauhouot has been a secondary school administrator and a consultant for the African Development Bank and Educational and Agri Services. Major scientific publications have appeared in Poultry Science, Annales de Zootechnie, Compost Science & Utilization, Micronesica, Bulletin of Animal Health & Production in Africa, Agronomie Africaine and many other American and international journals. Hauhouot is author of Tropical Broiler Chicken Management Guide, published by Xlibris in 2013. Hauhouot is a member of several professional organizations ranging from animal scientists to school administrators. In addition, he was honored among the nation’s most respected teachers in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers in 2004 and 2006. Hauhouot loves hiking, playing soccer, golfing, cooking and chasing sunsets, in addition to collecting chicken artifacts around the world.