Corri a la acera y commence a meterlo todo en la mocholia. Bueno, trate. Los tubos de pintura se me escurrian entre los dedos, los pinceles se trababan en los huecos de la acera y la botella de agua se alejo rodando.
-!Que porqueria! -dije, tratando de alcanzarla.
Fue en ese momento que me di cuenta de que alguien estaba parado al final de la pared. Levante la vista. Trague en seco. Era un hombre con un bate de pelota en la mano.
-Pense que te iba a encontrar aqui esta noche -me dijo.
Zee and his friends are angry that their old haunt has been replaced by stores that are off-limits to them and storekeepers who treat them with distrust. To let the merchants know what he and his friends think, Zee paints graffiti on the wall of the hardware store. After the wall is repainted, Zee decides to repeat the vandalism, but this time with more artistic flair. A store owner catches him in the act and threatens to call the police -- unless Zee agrees to repair the damage.
Kristin Butcher taught a variety of different subjects from primary school to high school before becoming an author. She credits her experience in the classroom with both helping her understand children and teens better, as well as making her a whiz at Trivial Pursuit. Kristin has always had a wild imagination and can't imagine that she'll ever run out of ideas for stories. Kristin lives in Campbell River, British Columbia. For more information, visit