In food, we find connection to one another, like a homesick student searching for the perfect cup of teh tarik. Yet, paradoxically, food is a polarizer, like a Muslim convert craving a pork bun. From tracing the origins of our hawker food to a love letter for Ipoh told in local favourites, these works are an eclectic mix of the Malaysian obsession with food.
For all our differences, Malaysians find commonality in one thing: we want you to be well-fed. Savour these small packages of good writing, covering a wide array of foods to please every palate, from laksa and sambal telur belimbing to french fries and Bru coffee. Come for the carbs. Stay for the whole menu.
Featuring work by award-winning author Elaine Chiew, DK Dutt Memorial Award founder Dipika Mukherjee, and celebrated professor and poet Dr Malachi Edwin Vethamani.
Wan Phing Lim is the author of Two Figures in a Car (Penguin SEA, 2021). Her short stories have appeared in international magazines such as Catapult, Ricepaper Magazine, Sine Theta Magazine, Portside Review, and Kyoto Journal as well as anthologies from Monsoon Books, Fixi Novo, and Math Paper Press.
Jason S Ganesan has worked as a content editor for MSN, subeditor for Malaysiakini and the Rakyat Post, and editor at Marshall Cavendish. He is co-editor of Critical Perspectives on Literature and Culture in the New World Order (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), and was recently head of publications at Gerakbudaya. Winner of the Muara Writing Prize 2023, he has written essays for Esquire,, Junk, EPL, and more.
May Chong is a bi Malaysian poet and speculative writer with previous verse published in Fantasy Magazine, Strange Horizons, Apparition Literary, Banshee and Bending Genres. Her chapbook of nature poetry, Seed, Star, Song, is available on Ghost City Press as part of their 2020 Summer Series, and she co-edited the Strange Horizons Southeast Asian Special Issue as poetry curator.