Neutropsychic Personality is a neutrosophic dynamic open psychological system of tendencies to feel, think, and act specific to each individual, based on Neutrosophic Refined Memory: that restructured the division of memory into: consciousness, aconsciousness (which we introduce as a blend of consciousness and unconsciousness), and unconsciousness. Aconscious was further subdivided into preconscious, subconscious, semiconscious = semiunconscious, subunconscious, and preunconscious.
In Neutrosophic Psychoanalysis Freud’s „id” (das Es) was renamed „under-ego” for a symmetry connection with „ego” and „super-ego” and a part of his Psychoanalysis wasextended, while other part rejected (Oedipus Complex, sexuality as main factor, static personality after adolescence, etc.).