Raquel Pagno was born in Lages, SC, 1982. She’s been writing since she was a child, she’s graduated in Companies Administration and works as a planner and a cartographer.
Raquel published Contos de Grandes Autores Brasileiros, by Câmara Brasileira de Jovens Escritores, and tens of literary anthologies. She was part of the Audiobook Vampiros de Alma, by the Radio Digital Rio and of the collection Sede Vampírica, with special participations from Paulo Coelho and Stephen King.
Raquel publishes on the blog As Leituras de Mila, where she posts weekly short stories and chapters of book in the column “No Meu Mundo...”, and she publishes on the blog Escrita e os Meus Escritos, in the column “Falo Mesmo!”, about her experiences in the literary world.
She won the 8th literary contest from Suzano, Cora Coralina edition, in the category “Short Stories” in 2012 and won the Prêmio Literário Cláudio de Souza, in the category Best Short Stories.
In 2013, she got the Prêmio Luso-Brasileiro in the category of Best Short Story Writers and the 2nd place in the I Festival de Contos Brasileiros.
She got the Diamonds of Art and Education given by Abrasa, the Prêmio Latino America de Excelência Artística, the Excelência Cultural trophy, in the 70 year celebration of the Associação Brasileira de Desenho e Artes Plásticas.
In 2014, she got the Prêmio Interarte with her book Seablue, in the category Best Novels.
In 2015, she got the Prêmio Clarice Lispector of literature, in the category Best Novel Writer.
She’s part of the LITERARTE - Associação Internacional de Escritores e Artistas, she’s a member of ALAF - Academia de Letras e Artes de Fortaleza, of ALG - Academia de Letras de Goiás, of the ACLA - Academia de Letras, Artes e Ciências de Vitória, of the Núcleo Acadêmico de Letras e Artes de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal), of ALAV - Academia de Letras e Artes de Valparaiso, Chile, and