Gabriella has reason to not trust hockey players despite the fact that her brother is one. When Bryant, her brother’s best friend and team mate, demands ice cream from the bakery where she works she begins to look at him in a different light. She might be able to have a one and done with him, but she could never trust him enough to have more. Bryant’s life hasn’t turned out exactly as he had planned when he graduated high school. His family makes emotional demands on him that are taking their toll. Suddenly however, Gabriella seems to make the weight on his shoulders a little less heavy. This couple has quite a spark going between them and despite the promises they make to themselves and each other to remain friends only, you just know it’s all going to blow up in their face spectacularly. I enjoyed their light hearted banter and easy camaraderie they shared. On the other hand, I just wanted to yell at Bryant’s mother. She was so passive aggressive and controlling when she spoke to him. This is all part of the plot, and these authors totally made it believable, thus my anger at his family. The end was wrapped up a little too neatly for my taste and an epilogue would’ve gone a long way toward making me feel better about it. However, with Emile and Amy from the first book playing a large role here, I assume we’ll get more of Bryant and Gabriella in the next installment. This is an honest review of an advanced copy provided by NetGalley and Adams Media. Dual POV Safe No apparent triggers