A Google user
This is a very entertaining, informative, and un-biased book about Kurt Meyer's experience in World War II with the 1st SS Panzer-Division. He reccounts battlefield decisions, play-by-play experiences fighting the enemy, and also conveys the depth of feeling of the frontline soldier. Meyer's words are very poignant, honest, and direct as he describes some of the most famous battles in nearly all theatres of war in which he and his grenadiere fought. He is the exemplar of courage and loyalty, and made great sacrafices for his country during a time of uncertainty. Aside from the riveting first-hand accounts from the battlefields of Poland, France, Yugoslavia, Holland, and the Soviet Union, Kurt Meyer decribes his woeful time during his captivity and subsequent trial. The longing and despair he feels and describes is exactly what anyone else might feel had they been wrongfully sentenced to death. Meyer's account is one of the few clear and accurate books concerning the Waffen SS that aren't distorted by hatred or historical revisionism. It is a very relate-able book and will captivate anyone who reads it. I highly recommend giving Kurt Meyer's "Grenadiers" a chance.
Shane Starr
Action-packed and deeply personal, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in a behind-the scenes look at WWII and it's aftermath from the eyes of a German combatant. The non-adjustable fine print resulted in my giving it a four-star rating instead of a five.
A Google user
Un impresionante recorrido por los principales escenarios de la II Guerra Mundial, en el que el General Kurt Meyer nos muestra la evolución de las Waffen SS, la increíble tenacidad de las juventudes Hitlerianas en Normandía y nos da una lección de liderazgo militar.