In October 1959, the Restalls embarked on the ultimate family adventure, as Bob led his family to the east coast of Canada to dig for the famous treasure of Oak Island. For nearly six years they lived without telephone, hydro, or running water while newspapers and magazines chronicled their attempts to solve the mystery of the Money Pit. On August 17, 1965, their quest ended in tragedy when four men died.
This biography, compiled by their daughter, includes material written by each family member. Lyrical descriptions of nature, amusing anecdotes, details of the dig, and numerous photographs help to tell the story. This book is a must for Oak Island enthusiasts.
Lee Lamb was born in Somerset, England, and came to Canada when she was two years old. Her unique childhood contained easy access to merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, and unusual people. She has been a secretary, a project co-ordinator, a hospital social worker, and a high school teacher. She lives in Burlington, Ontario.