Ecological Studies

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Latest release: January 3, 2024
The Biology of the Indian Ocean
Book 3·Dec 2012
This volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium held at the University of Kiel, Germany, from 31 March to 6 April, 1971. The Symposium was organized by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and the Marine Productivity section of the International Biological Programme (IBPIPM) with the assistance of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Association of Biological Oceanography (IABO). The aim of the Symposium was to summarize present knowledge of the biology of the Indian Ocean. Twenty-two presentations by invited speakers reviewed the research work carried out during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (lIOE) 1959 -1965, the first cooperative project coordinated by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). In addition, reports were presented of postexpedition examination of material and of more recent investigations relevant to the aims of the lIOE. In keeping with the aims of "Ecological Studies", the present volume contains much new information and some synthesis, all directed towards obtaining an understanding of the functioning and organization of the ecosystem of the Indian Ocean. The plan of the Symposium was to present the relevant meteorological, physical, chemical and geological background and to follow this with the various aspects of biological oceanography. Because of the uneven stage of development of the different disciplines, the papers included in this volume vary in their analytical level.
Arid Zone Irrigation
Book 5·Dec 2012
A book previously published within the framework of the Ecological Studies Series, entitled "Physical Aspects of Soil Water and Salts in Ecosystems" included awidespectrum of research papers devoted to new findings in the field of soil-plant-water relationships. "Arid Zone Irrigation" has been written specifically as a textbook for agronomists, soil scientists, agrometeorologists, water engineers and plant physiologists who want a clear presentation of irrigation fundamentals in arid and semi-arid zones. It was our intention to provide an understanding of the basic principles governing irrigation technology and to help overcome the problem of water shortage in arid zone agriculture. This book, written by a large number of specialists and covering a broad spectrum of different disciplines, is based on general up-to-date information, as well as on the results of the authors' own research. The idea of preparing such a textbook was conceived during a series of international advanced courses on irrigation held annually at the Institute of Soils and Water, Agricul tural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. The final organization of the material has been influenced by discussions with colleagues from Sweden and Holland and the participants in our summer courses. Grateful acknowledgements are due to Professor CALVIN C. ROSE, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia, Professor DALE SWARTZENDRUBER, Purdue University, Lafayetta, U.S.A., and Dr. SHLOMO P. NEUMAN, Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, for their many helpful suggestions during critical reading of the manuscript. We thank also Mrs.
Genetics of Forest Ecosystems
Book 6·Dec 2012
Throughout the world natural forest ecosystems have been, and are being massively disrupted or destroyed. The boreal forests of Canada are no more immune to man's intervention than the tropical rain forests of Africa, and the day is rapidly approaching when natural forest ecosystems, undisturbed by man, will be found only as remnants in national parks and other protected areas. Yet where they continue to exist these ecosystems are an extraordinarily rich, though relatively neglected source of data that illuminate many aspects of the classic theory of evolution. The subject matter of this book is not, however, confined to natural forest ecosystems. Forest ecosystems under varying degrees of management, and man made forests are also a rich source of information on ecological genetics. In general, however, it can be said that the published evidence of this fact has not yet significantly penetrated the botanical literature. All too frequently it is confined to what might be termed forestry journals. It is hoped that this book will to some extent redress the balance, and draw attention to a body of published work which not only provides a basis for the rational management and conservation of forest ecosystems, but also complements the literature of ecological genetics and evolution. The first draft of Chapters I to V was written in German by the senior author and translated by E. K. MORGENSTERN of the Canadian Forestry Service.
Mediterranean Type Ecosystems: Origin and Structure
Book 7·Dec 2012
No other disjunct pieces of land present such striking similarities as the widely sepa 1 rated regions with a mediterranean type of climate, that is, the territories fringing the Mediterranean Sea, California, Central Chile and the southernmost strips of South Mrica and Australia. Similarities are not confined to climatic trends, but are also reflected in the physiognomy ofthe vegetation, in land use patterns and frequently in the general appearance of the landscape. The very close similarities in agricultural practices and sometimes also in rural settlements are dependent on the climatic and edaphic analogies, as well as on a certain commonality in qdtural history. This is certainly true for the Mediterranean Sea basin which in many ways represents a sort of ecological-cultural unit; this is also valid for CaUfornia and Chile, which were both settled by Spaniards and which showed periods of vigorous commercial and cultural interchanges as during the California gold rush. One other general feature is the massive interchange of cultivated and weed species of plants that has occurred between the five areas of the world that have a mediterranean-type climate, with the Mediterranean basin region itself as a major source. In spite of their limited territorial extension, probably no other parts of the world have played a more fundamental role in the history of mankind. Phoenician, Etruscan, Hellenic, Jewish, Roman, Christian andArab civilizations, among others,haveshapedmanyofman's present attitudes, including his position and perception vis-a-vis nature.
Tropical Ecological Systems: Trends in Terrestrial and Aquatic Research
Book 11·Dec 2012
In 1971 the International Society of Tropical Ecology and the International Association for Ecology held a meeting on Tropical Ecology, with an emphasis on organic production in New Delhi, India. At this meeting a Working Group on Tropical Ecology was organized, consisting of K. C. Misra (India), F. Malaisse (Zaire), E. Medina (Venezuela) and F. Golley (U.S.A.). The object of this Working Group was to stimulate interaction between tropical ecologists through future scientific meetings and other exchanges and communications. A second meeting of ISTE and INTECOL was held in Caracas, Venezuela in 1973, under the direction of Medina and Golley and sponsored by the Depart ment of Ecology, Institute Venezolano Investigaciones Cientificas (lVIC). The basic structure of the meeting was provided by series of invited papers which considered topics of special interest from both an applied and theoretical view. These included physiological ecology (Pannier), populations (Rabinovich), tropical savannas (Lamotte), rivers (Sioli), estuaries (Rodriguez), and island ecosystems (Mueller-Dombois). Contributed papers considered details of these and other ecological topics, including the application of ecology to human problems. The present volume includes the invited papers listed above and a sampling of contributed papers which together illustrate the trends of research in tropical ecology. The papers show that tropical ecology is a vigorous subject of research. While the papers in this volume do not provide reviews of all the topics of study in tropical ecology, they do present authoritative statements on progress in the major subject in the field.
Perspectives of Biophysical Ecology
Book 12·Dec 2012
A symposium on biophysical ecology was held at The University of Michigan Biological Station on Douglas Lake August 20-24, 1973. Biophysical ecology is an approach to ecology which uses fundamental principles of physics and chemistry along with mathematics as a tool to understand the interactions between organisms and their environment. It is fundamentally a mechanistic approach to ecology, and as such, it is amenable to theoretical modeling. A theoretical model applied to an organism and its interactions with its environ ment should include all the significant environmental factors, organism properties, and the mechanisms that connect these things together in an appropriate organism response. The purpose of a theoretical model is to use it to explain observed facts and to make predictions beyond the realm of observation which can be verified or denied by further observation. If the predictions are confirmed, the model must be reasonably complete except for second or third-order refinements. If the pre dictions are denied by further observation, one must go back to the basic ideas that entered the model and decide what has been overlooked or even what has been included that perhaps should not have been. Theoretical modeling must always have recourse to experiment in the laboratory and observation in the field. For plants, a theoretical model might be formulated to explain the manner and magnitude by which various environmental factors affect leaf temperature.
Epidemics of Plant Diseases: Mathematical Analysis and Modeling
Book 13·Dec 2012
During the past decade epidemiology has developed beyond the simple desrip tion of ecological factors affecting disease. Population dynamics has become a major item of research, which in turn has prompted new approaches and philosophy. Though basically an empirical science, epidemiology has of necessity veered towards mathematical methods and modeling. The growing importance of epidemiology was acknowledged by the organizers of the 2nd International Congress of Plant Pathology, held in Minneapolis in September 1973. One of the symposia was devoted to a discussion of the role of mathematics and modeling in the analysis of epidemics. The speakers considered that it would be valuable to expand their contributions for publication. The following chapters give an outline of the record of achievement to date in the use of mathematical analysis and computer techniques in the study of epidemics of plant diseases; at the same time they seek to indicate the greatly enlarged possibilities, still in the early stage~ of investigation, of constructive work on this basis used in the field of epidemiology. A good beginning has been made in clarifying the very complex and sometimes confusing data by means of mathematical models and equations, and later by computer simulations. In this book practical procedures, such as experiments in coding techniques, reduction of data, computer programs, the particular scope of multiple regression analysis in the study of the progress of epidemics, disease increase and severity, disease cycles and crop losses, are variously discussed.
Primary Productivity of the Biosphere
Book 14·Dec 2012
The period since World War II, and especially the last decade influenced by the International Biological Program, has seen enormous growth in research on the function of ecosystems. The same period has seen an exponential' rise in environmental problems including the capacity of the Earth to support man's population. The concern extends to man's effects on the "biosphere"-the film of living organisms on the Earth's surface that supports man. The common theme of ecologic research and environmental concerns is primary production the binding of sunlight energy into organic matter by plants that supports all life. Many results from the IBP remain to be synthesized, but enough data are available from that program and other research to develop a convincing sum mary of the primary production of the biosphere-the purpose of this book. The book had its origin in the parallel interests of the two editors and Gene E. Likens, which led them to prepare a symposium on the topic at the Second Biological Congress of the American Institute of Biological Sciences in Miami, Florida, October 24, 1971. Revisions of the papers presented at that symposium appear as Chapters 2, 8, 9, 10, and 15 in this book. We have added other chapters that complement this core; these include discussion and evaluation of methods for measuring productivity and regional production, current findings on tropical productivity, and models of primary productivity.
Plants in Saline Environments
Book 15·Dec 2012
A. POLJAKOFF-MAYBER and J. GALE The response of plants to saline environments is of interest to people of many disciplines. In agriculture the problem of salinity becomes more severe every year as the non-saline soils and the non-saline waters become more intensively and more extensively exploited. Further expansion of agriculture must consider the cultivation of saline soils and the use of water with a relatively high content of soluble, salts. Moreover, industrial development in many countries is causing severe water pollution, especially of rivers, and mismanagement in agriculture often induces secondary salinization of soils and sources of irrigation water. From the point of view of agriculture it is, therefore, of the utmost importance to know the various responses of plants to salinity and to understand the nature of the damage caused by salinity to agricultural crops. Botanists and plant physiologists study plants, their form, growth, metabolism and response to external stimuli. A challenging problem for them is to understand the differences between glycophytes, plants growing in a non-saline environment and halophytes, plants which normally grow in salt marshes, in sea water or in saline soils. This includes the elucidation of structural and functional adaptations which enable halophytes to tolerate the saline environment, and also questions as to whether they only tolerate the saline environment or actually thrive in it. Ecologists and environmentalists are interested in the interrelationships be tween the organism, in this case the plant, and its environment, from the climatic, edaphic and biotic points of view.
Remote Sensing for Environmental Sciences
Book 18·Dec 2012
The public's serious concern about the uncertainties and dangers of the conse quences of human activities on environmental quality demands policies to control the situation and to prevent its deterioration. But far-reaching decisions on the environmental policy are impaired or even made impossible as long as the relevant ecological relations are not sufficiently understood and large-scale quantitative information on the most important parameters is not available in sufficient quality and quantity. The techniques of remote sensing offer new ways of procuring data on natural phenomena with three main advantages - the large distance between sensor and object prevents interference with the environmental conditions to be measured, - the potentiality for large-scale and even global surveys yields a new dimension for the investigations of the environmental parameters, - the extremely wide, spectral range covered by the whole diversity of sensors discloses many properties of the environmental media not detectable within a single wave band (as e.g. the visible). These significant additions to the conventional methods of environmental studies and the particular qualification of several remote sensing methods for quantitative determination of the natural parameters makes this new investigation technique an important tool both to the scientists studying the ecological relationship and the administration in charge of the environmental planning and protection.
Theories of Populations in Biological Communities
Book 20·Dec 2012
When we wrote this book it was, admittedly, flrst of all for the sake of our own enjoyment and enlightenment. We will, however, add our sincerely meant (but rather traditional) hope that it will prove interesting to graduate students, to colleagues and to anyone else, who will bother to read it. The book was written as a joint effort by a theoretically inclined population geneticist and an experimental ecologist who share opinions on what is interesting in the fleld of theoretical ecology. While we believe that qualifled natural history is of indisputable intrinsic value, we think that ecology is a natural science which should have a theoretical framework. On the other hand, theoretical ecology must draw its inspiration from nature and yield results which give insight into the flndings of the naturalist and inspire him to make new observations and experiments. Without this relationship between fleld biology and theory, mathe matical ecology may become a discipline totally divorced from biology and solve-albeit interesting-mathematical problems without signiflcance for ecology. Therefore, in addition to theoretical population biology (including some original models) the book also discusses observational data from nature to show how the theoretical models give new insight and how observations give rise to new theoretical thought. While no book on ecology could do without the mention of the hare-lynx example (and ours is, therefore, no exception) we have tried to bring new examples mainly derived from one of the authors' fleld of experience: microbial ecology and marine biology.
Air Pollution: Phytotoxicity of Acidic Gases and Its Significance in Air Pollution Control
Book 22·Dec 2012
Emissions of gaseous air pollutants have increased in the last years in spite of increased controls and concern for air quality. Predictions of future development also indicate that a further increase in emissions must be expected. From an extensive analysis of fuel use in conventional power plants in industry and for domestic heating, Brocke and Schade (1971) and Schade (1975) predict that sulfur dioxide (S02) emissions in the Federal Republic of Germany will increase from '3. 5 million t in 1969, over 4. 2 million t in 1973, to 4. 6 million t in 1980. Rasch (1971) predicts that emission of hydrogen chloride (HCI) from burning of wastes will increase from a present 8000 t/year to about 100000 t in 1980. Emission of gaseous fluoride compounds, in North Rhine Westphalia alone, are expected to increase from 7500 t in 1969 to 8800 t in 1985 (MAGS, 1972). Similar predic tions have also been made in the USA (Heggestadt and Heck, 1971). A doubling of S02 emissions from oil and particularly coal-fired power plants is expected between 1960 and 1980 (Wood, 1968; Lewis et aI. , 1974). When it is considered that total control of air pollutants is technically and especially economically impossible, it is important that, in the future, emissions are controlled within a technical and economic framework to such an extent that ambient pollutant concentrations near the ground present no hazard to man or his environment (BImSchG, 1974).