
박지영 Jiyoung Park 예원학교 졸 Yewon School 서울예술고등학교졸 (피아노 전공)Seoul Arts High School (Piano) 서울대학교 음악대학 졸 (작곡이론 전공) Seoul National University College of Music (Musicology, B.A. 1995) 서울대학교 법과대학 졸 Seoul National University College of Law (LL.B., 2001) 서울대학교 법과대학 석사과정 수료 (민법 전공) Seoul National University Graduate School of Law (Civil law, 2001~) 사법시험 42회 합격 Admitted to the Bar, Korea (2003) 사법연수원 32기 수료 Judicial Research and Training Institute, Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (2003) 현, 법무법인 로고스 변호사 Associate Lawyer, Logos Law Firm 한시미션 간사 Staff, Hanshi Mission 옮긴이 소개 조민혜 Minhye Zoh Minhye Zoh was born in the early autumn of 1989. After two months education in a Korean primary school she moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, with her family in May, 1996 for her father's doctoral studies. She spent the next two-and-a-half years in Preston Street Primary school, then moved to Birmingham, graduated pre-school and entered secondary school in the following 5 years. In the first year of secondary school(Year 7) she was told to have raised the standard of Korean students by receiving all A's in her end of year exams. During the next two years her mother left for Oxford intending to get a Doctor's degree in order to advocate her children's studies. Currently, she is studying in Ashford Boarding School after receiving a Bursary scholarship from the United Ch