Jörg Madinger

JÖRG MADINGER, born in Heidelberg (Germany) in 1970 Since July 2012: A-License, DHB Since February 2011: Handball club trainings, coaching (training and competitive areas) November 2011: Foundation of the Handball Specialist Publishing Company (Handball Fachverlag) (handall-uebungen.de, Handball Practice and Special Handball Practice) May 2009: Foundation of the handball online platform handball-uebungen.de 2008-2010: Youth coordinator and youth coach, SG Leutershausen (Germany) Since 2006: B-License Editor's note: In 1995, a friend convinced me to join him in coaching a handball youth team (male, under 13 years of age). This was the beginning of my career as a team handball coach. Ever since I enjoyed working as a coach and had high requirements concerning my exercises. Soon, the standard pool of exercises wasn't enough for me anymore and I started to modify and develop drills myself. Today, I coach a broad range of youth and adult teams with different performance levels and adjust my training units to the individual needs of the teams. A few years ago, I started selling my exercises and drills online at handball-uebungen.de. Since, in handball training, there is a tendency towards a general athletic training that focuses on coordination work - especially in the training of youth teams -, a large number of my games and exercises can be applied to other sports as well. Get inspired by the various game concepts, be creative, and rely on your own experiences!