Lucano Divina

Lucano Divina is a Bengal tiger who escaped the zoo where he was being held prisoner and became the founder and leader of the Animal Revolution, a powerful insurgent movement that fights against the imperialism of human stupidity. For many years he was the biggest star in the cages, where visitors to the animal jail bought millions of stuffed animals made in his image. But everything changed once he grew old. His roar was regularly interrupted by a cough, and his orange-and-white fur with black stripes was changing into white-and-white fur with white stripes. When it became apparent that his white hairs did not sell the same amount of souvenirs, the zoo decided to replace him with a younger feline talent, and that is when he escaped. Ever since the first day of his freedom, far from the bars of his cell, Lucano has dedicated his efforts to exposing the flaws of humanity, publishing in his den,, what many people think but do not say out loud. In the beginning, humans merely thought him crazy and dismissed him, paying no attention to his utopic vision of vengeance against those who wanted to retire him. Today, he is still technically crazy—if by “crazy,” you also mean “the sexiest living being on the face of the Earth,” followed on social media by hundreds of thousands of Friends of the Wild willing to fight for Mother Nature. By the way, humans now take him so seriously that they want to hunt him down to turn him into a rug.