Luiz Ruffato

Luiz Fernando Ruffato de Souza is a contemporary Brazilian writer. An alumnus of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, Ruffato worked as a journalist in São Paulo and published several fiction books, including História dos Remorsos e Rancores and Eles Eram Muitos Cavalos. The latter garnered the APCA literary prize.
Born into an immigrant and working-class family in Cataguazes, Luiz Ruffato had an early inclination toward literature. Nonetheless, following the request of his mother – who was a Portuguese washerwoman, and his father, who was an Italian popcorn salesman – Ruffato had an apprenticeship as a salesman in Cataguases before moving to Juiz de Fora and studying journalism. In Juiz de Fora, Ruffato worked as a mechanic during the day and studied journalism during the night. His working class and immigrant inheritance are reflected in his work. His cycle of five novels, entitled "Inferno Provisório", portrays the story of Brazilian industrialization from the 1950s on. Once he graduated as a journalist, Ruffato moved to São Paulo to work in his new profession.