Michael Mueller

Michael Muller was born in Syracuse. His father having left when he was only 1 year old, his mother raised him and moved him to Batavia, to live in his Grandmother's house, where he grew up. Always curious about his Hispanic side (his Venezuelan father) he took 3 trips to Mexico in high school and during college started listening to Salsa on Buffalo, and Rochester NY radio stations. From there he became very enriched by Puerto Rican culture since there was nothing Venezuelan for him to engage with. He attended the Crane School of Music at Potsdam College as a Music Education Major and graduated in 1992. He married in 1994 and moved to South Carolina where he got his first teaching job and lived for 6 years. He moved back to NY in 2000 when he and his wife had their 1st child. He began taking trips to New York City and enjoying not only Puerto Rican, but also Dominican, Cuban, Colombian, Mexican, and finally Venezulean culture. He began writing poetry after 9-11 and has recorded many memories of places he has been, times of his life, his cultural beliefs, and things that inspire him and touch his heart. He is currently a Music Teacher for The South Lewis Central School District of Central, NY. He can also be found on YouTube hosting his series of Hispanic programs called "Migueltio The North Country Latino".