Thomas L. Szabo

Professor Szabo has contributed to the fundamental understanding and design of surface acoustic wave signal processing devices, to novel means of transduction and measurement for nondestructive evaluation using ultrasound, to seismic signal processing, and to the research and development of state-of-the-art diagnostic ultrasound imaging systems for over fifty years. He is the author of the widely used textbook, Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging: Inside Out, over 100 papers and twelve book chapters, and holds four patents and several patent applications. His wide range of interests include ultrasound tissue and spine characterization, wave equations, novel imaging systems, brain imaging, therapeutic ultrasound, nonlinear phenomena and geophysical exploration. Dr. Szabo is a Fellow of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Acoustical Society of America, and a Life Senior member of the IEEE. He is a U.S. delegate to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Technical Committee 87 and a Convenor of Working Group 6 on high intensity therapeutic ultrasound and focusing. He was a recipient of a 1973 U. S. Meritorious Service Medal, a Hewlett Packard Fellowship and the 1974 best paper award in the IEEE Transactions on Sonics and Ultrasonics.