Alone Across the Arctic

2020 • 86 minutos
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Acclaimed explorer Adam Shoalts brings a canoe, his full repertoire of wilderness survival skills on an extraordinary trek across approximately 4,000 kilometres of the remote North. The intrepid Shoalts aims to cross the breadth of the northernmost wilds of the country, from the Yukon to Nunavut in a race against the elements: he must navigate treacherous and uncharted waterways before the onset of winter renders the terrain impassable. Dubbed one of the greatest living explorers and 'Canada's Indiana Jones' by the Toronto Star, in 2016 Shoalts was named a national champion of the Trans-Canada Trail and in 2018 Explorer-in-Residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. A must-see for anyone who has ever considered a wilderness adventure in the Far North!