Helmon Jacobs
As a long time fan of Queen and Freddie Mercury, this movie was both good and bad. The good: Excellent cast and good acting. Enough original music to please the fans (especially the Live Aid concert scene). The pace of the movie was good and the storyline as well. The bad: Many, many historic inaccuracies! Sequences were also changed to give the story drama. Freddie's life was sterilized a bit for a wider audience. Overall, I enjoyed the movie as a very brief look at a very complicated life.
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Ronny K.
I couldn't wait to watch this movie, even though I didn't expect much of it right at the moment when I saw the trailer. I'm a huge Queen fan; and I love Freddie's voice. But the movie is so shallow. Live Aid wasn't the biggest concert Queen performed in; and it definitely wasn't the best. And I can assure you Freddie was no saint; neither was the rest of the band.
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John Mazepa
Скучно, неинтересно, дешево. Ничего не имею против половых предпочтений Фредди Меркьюри. В обычных документалках про "Квин" сюжета и моментов 'до мурашек' больше, чем в этом ХУДОЖЕСТВННОМ ФИЛЬМЕ, КОТОРЫЙ СОБРАЛ КУЧУ НАГРАД.
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