
2016年 • 91 分钟
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Luce is just an ordinary teen girl until a shocking accident sends her to a mysterious reform school for misfit and eclectic teenagers. There, she meets two students, Daniel and Cam. Torn between the instant electrifying connection she feels with Daniel and the attracting force of Cam, Luce is quickly pulled into a passionate love triangle. As she tries to piece together deeply fragmented memories, she is left with a feeling of undeniable longing for her one true love and the revelation of a love story that has been going on for centuries,that will shatter the boundaries between heaven and earth.


Honest “Honest Review” Review
This movie was so unfortunately produced, directed, lack lustre performances, and low quality CGI, I'm both embarrassed for Lauren Kate (the author of the Falllen Series) and myself for paying to watch it. No wonder Torment was canned in 2017 before production had finished. Do I recommend the books? Yes The movie? Yeah - nah
Suieko Robinson
I don't know why this got negative reviews, i had no knowledge of the book or the fact it was a series but i always keep an open mind when watching movies. Being involved in films on a personal note, i didn't think this was awful in fact i can't wait for the next one. I have in the past, overlooked so many great films due to bad reviews and i will never do it again. To really appreciate the hard work of the cast and crew of a film production, you have to have an open mind. Don't ever assume a movie is bad just because someone didn't like it, because ur taste are very different to others. Whether they had a great budget or not, i find the best ones aren't the big hollywood numbers, it's the script, the camera work and the whole shabang that makes a great movie not who is in it or how much money was spend on it..i have seen so many big blockbusters that are complete disasters
If you don't have enough money to make a good movie, don't make a bad one.