Flushed Away

2006 • 85 minutos
4 opiniones
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Acerca de esta película

A pampered pet "society mouse" Roddy St. James (Hugh Jackman) thinks he's got it made...until he's literally flushed away to a bustling underground world of ninja frogs, hench-rats and singing slugs. In an attempt to get out, he meets an enterprising scavenger Rita (Kate Winslet) and a villainous Toad (Ian McKellen). This outrageously inventive adventure is a flood of fun.

Calificaciones y opiniones

4 opiniones
Finn Molloy
24 de marzo de 2021
masterpiece of modern cinema. Changed my life for the better.
kerk land
15 de junio de 2022
Best film ever
Nicole Faith Woolley
25 de noviembre de 2020
Adventure movie