脫稿玩家 (Free Guy)

2021年 • 114 分鐘
1220 則評論
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1220 則評論
Brandon Hoover
I enjoyed the movie very much. Being a regular gamer definitely put this movie right up my alley and I think they did a tremendous job at mixing this "real world" story with the world of games that many of us know so well. It was also really cool to see the extra tid bits they added to the game world that are super identifiable with people familiar to gaming, like actions or vehicles from well known games. Unfortunately I can only give this movie 4 stars though because I disliked how much certain topics were pushed. Examples being things like opinions on gun violence, white privilege, and a few other "woke" topics. Now I'm not arguing the fact that the creators of this movie aren't entitled to their own opinions, or shouldn't be able to express those opinions in a way they seem fit. I just believe that such deep and large scale topics like these shouldn't be pushed in our entertainment. We watch movies like this for a good story and to escape the "real world" for a little while. Don't sully it by adding controversial topics that are specifically there to appease one group of people, when you could create a more neutrally based movie meant to be enjoyed by all people regardless of what their opinions are about these topics. Other than that I would definitely recommend this movie to others as it was really enjoyable, as long as you're willing to ignore a cringey opinionated comment from time to time.
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Nick Reese
I was bored when I rented it, and was bored when I watched it. If you have the ability to 100% shut off your brain for two hours, or you're 12, you might enjoy it, but I don't have that ability. None of this movie makes any sense to the point where I don't think the writers have ever seen a video game. Really unfunny, phoned in acting, horrible writing. I guess the graphics were fine, and it's hard to dislike Ryan Reynolds.
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Robert DeFilippo
Some people are insane...this isn't a political movie. Reviewers calling this movie "woke" are just angry crazy people. This "group" is one of the biggest problem the world faces today. Just hateful lying hypocrites. Can't stand anyone who doesn't think like them. One of them said this movie is about liberal Nazis.... Not the most intelligent bunch.... Not understanding the most basic concepts doesn't stop them from making completely false statements and standing behind them no matter how wrong
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