Hannibal Rising

2007年 • 121 分鐘
38 則評論


In Red Dragon we learned who he was. In Silence of the Lambs we learned how he did it. Now comes the most chilling chapter in the life of Hannibal Lecter - the one that answers that most elusive question of all - why? Hannibal Rising takes us back to finally explain the origins of Lecter's evil. Beginning in World War II, this dark and intense story follows Hannibal's survival of the horrors of war, his formative years in the fields of medicine and forensics and finally a journey of revenge against the predators who changed his life forever. Above all it reveals the mind of a monster and shows us just what would drive a man to cannibalism © 2006 Delta (Young Hannibal) Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Packaging Design


38 則評論
Tanya Martin
I think this js an amazing prequel to the other films featuring Hannibal Lector. The acting is superb and I think this film brilliantly explains and defends how and why Lector develops into what he becomes, as the audience is privy to his baby sister's and his experience at the hands of the Vichy during the war.
Google 使用者
Why the low rating this is a superb movie. The lead role from Gaspard Ulliel is breathtaking - a truly awesome portrayal of Dr Lecters early years.
Oliver Morgan
Great movie although sad the main actor died recently such a great loss. 🙏💙