Andrew Blewett
I do recommend this film. It is beautifully filmed, delicate and powerful in quite an understated way. It is also an excellent exploration of the morally corrupting effect of conflict and the desire to forget. It is quite interesting to read some of the other "poor" reviews some of which demonstrate fairly frank anti-semitism, the context of the film and a difficult part of Polish history which no amount of denialism will wipe out. People are not 'traitors' because they make films. Civilisation means pluralism which means confronting bits of ourselves or others which we don't like but need to learn to embrace. None of which is to minimise for a second the appalling cruelty inflicted by the Nazi aggression on Poland and the Polish people.
Dan Cross
Very disappointed by this and can't work out why it has received so much adulation. It plods along at a snail's pace and isn't even remotely moving. I struggled to remain awake, even though it only ran to 80 minutes!
Cloud Burst
Beautifully shot with great storyline. And to all those who give it poor rating because it doesn't reflect history - well, it is not meant to do any of that! It's A story,not a History! Simples