Jack Reacher

2013年 • 130 分钟
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Ex-military investigator Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise) leaps off the pages of Lee Child's bestselling novel and onto the big screen in the explosive thriller the critics are calling "taut, muscular, gruff and cool"*. When an unspeakable crime is committed, all evidence points to the suspect in custody who offers up a single note in defense: "Get Jack Reacher!" The law has its limits, but Reacher does not when his fight for the truth pits him against an unexpected enemy with a skill for violence and a secret to keep. * Peter Suderman, THE WASHINGTON TIMES


Google 用户
OK. So I was a pre-viewing sceptic. I love the books and the Reacher character is a one-off: he's big, a bit menacing and has overlong arms. So, Tom Cruise in the part didn't seem to fit. But Mr Cruise pulls off the menace and smarts extremely well and the film is well adapted and directed. So, give it a try. Don't try to compare the man in the film with the man in the book, just sit back and enjoy the movie - it's surprisingly good!
Gavin Bollard
It's probably a good movie. I don't know. I feel asleep the first time I tried to watch it so then I got it on Google Play and tried to watch it on the bus. Unfortunately,... THERE ARE NO SUBTITLES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED !!!! This meant that I couldn't make out the words over the noise of the bus. Please fix this.
Amanda Tre
No matter how you cut it, Tom Cruise is sadly NOT Jack Reacher. Reacher is a big granite like bad boy with his own moral code. Tom Cruise is a pretty boy acting the bad boy, so size aside (if you can) Tom is just not able to pull off the character.