
2019 • 92 minutos
355 reseñas
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Información de esta película

En esta película musical misteriosamente encantadora de Melanie Martínez, Cry Baby, una chica fuerte y sensible, es enviada a una escuela perturbadora que se opone a la individualidad. Con la ayuda de sus amigos mágicos y una Guía del Espíritu Angélico, obtienen la fuerza que necesitan para combatir al personal malvado de la escuela y acabar con el sistema escolar opresivo de K-12

Valoraciones y reseñas

355 reseñas
Hezekiah Montiel
8 de septiembre de 2019
I was completely blown away! I've never thought of Melanie making a movie for an album - that is genius of her. This movie is great, and it's disturbing how this school and its officials are like. And who knows? there might be schools like that, or used to be - or maybe close to it. I also really liked the choreography, the interactions between the people, the students with their supernatural powers, the many props that were used, as well as the school and the other places shown in the movie. <3
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Nikolaus Esterhazy
18 de septiembre de 2020
The Imposent looking building in your quite somewhat unfortunate choice of your un informed community is my Ancestral Home in Hungary. I have not been asked, for which I would not agree to allow sutch cheap commercial invasion of your il informed-un informed undertaking! I'm prepared to assess my authority to IMPOSE UPON YOU FOR CHANGE OF IMMEDIATE CEASE and DECIST and an ABSOLUTE WITDRAWAL OF YOUR COMMERCIAL UNDERTAKING! Nikolaus Paul Maria Eugen von Esterhazy de Galanta. Baron of Galanta, Count of Forchtenstein, Prince of Ädelstedten, Pr of the H-R-Empire,etc,etc,etc
5 personas han valorado esta reseña como útil
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4 de octubre de 2019
I love the movie/album. The first time it came out I watched it and immediately downloaded it. For those past weeks I've been watching it every night and I still love it every time I watch it. I love Melanie Martinezs work from the first time I watched dollhouse and she does things with a purpose, so if you don't like what she's doing then you wouldn't understand and you wouldn't know why she's doing it. So shut up if you don't like what she's doing🙌🏼
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