Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

2014年 • 119 分鐘
47 則評論


Mummified dead bodies of various dignitaries from around the world are being discovered, a mysterious tarot card left beside them at the scene. The world is headed towards chaos... Kiyoharu is the young head of the Genpo noble family, owners of a massive toy manufacturing enterprise. He also functions as a secret watchdog for the Queen, a service that his family has provided for generations. The Queen orders Kiyoharu to solve the mummification incidents, and he starts to investigate. He is supported by his perfect butler, Sebastian, who is actually a demon. Kiyoharu has been hiding his true female identity since his parents’ tragic death 10 years earlier. In return for perfect service to his master in public and private, Sebastian will receive his master’s soul after Kiyoharu achieves revenge for the murder of his parents. Who is really behind the serial mummification deaths? Will Kiyoharu finally find out who killed his/her parents?


47 則評論
Hugo Brand
What a rubbish take. The story and characters already exist. Why mess with that just to make a movie? Doubly so the gormless "fans" that will lap anything up, no matter how foul.
David Stephens
The action started first then stop. ? And what's the story with gear there wearing....too much OK, but not the best subtitles seen better
Lance Mead
This is actually a good film.. they could have done so much worse... Just make sure you leave it in Japanese with subtitles or it wreck's the entire film..