Tenemos que hablar de I.A. (Inteligencia Artificial)

2020 • 86 minutos
6 reseñas
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Información de esta película

El conflicto entre el hombre y la máquina ha sido el tema central de la ciencia ficción durante más de un siglo. Desde "2001: Una odisea en el espacio" hasta "Terminator", Hollywood ha explotado durante décadas la amenaza que representan los robots superinteligentes. ¿Pero los avances en Inteligencia Artificial significan que nos enfrentamos a un futuro en el que esa amenaza podría convertirse en realidad? En este documental, los principales expertos del mundo en la materia debaten sobre si el riesgo existencial planteado por la IA es reemplazado por la promesa de una ganancia exponencial. La conclusión para el futuro es que, después de escuchar a los expertos, una cosa está clara: Tenemos que hablar de IA.

Valoraciones y reseñas

6 reseñas
25 de mayo de 2020
Dr. Stephen Hawkings said before he passed away that AI will be the one single thing that will bring an end to humanity. We are on the brink of destroying ourselves. Mostly because we are a narcissistic culture and we don't know how to behave. We are in love with ourselves to the point there's no balance of power, no balance or prudence, we are like children who play with toys we have no idea how to handle till we get hurt or worse, burned by them. We can't even beat a virus. The world economy brought to its knees. You think once someone gets their hands on an AI for weaponry or whatever narcissistic reason -- we won't beat ourselves? The hackers will rule the world. Bad, bad, horrible idea. But of course, man has always wanted to play God.
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Andrew Wheeler
5 de junio de 2020
eh, it was ok. good beginner terminology and basic questions but no real specifics about what's already out there. Every technology is both a tool and a weapon. It will amplify our ability to build and destroy. Nobody knows when or if general AI will become a reality. Until then, tech will just continue getting more invasive and annoying. People who can't keep up, will turn to stupid ideologies that have simple explanations for life to provide a sense of security, superiority and stability. Google is creating an army. They asked the head of DeepMind to run the Boston Dynamics robotics division they acquired, but the guy said no. I think universal basic income should be considered more carefully, as taxpayer money has funded the entire computer revolution. You are more than just data points able to be sold and targeted. Also, there's no way to tell if a mind or consciousness can be defined, so there's no way to know if AGI will even resemble human intelligence, much less be superior to it. You just have to be comfortable with not knowing the future.
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1 de junio de 2020
I think it pretty fairly represents both sides of the debate on whether AI should be embraced as a welcomed partner to humanity that will change the world for the better or if it's an ultimately lethal creation that once let loose will quickly evolve to take over to the detriment and likely extinction of the human race. It's an important subject that involves everyone and this documentary allows basic entry into the debate for anyone interested.
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