Mercury Undercover

2011年 • 70 分鐘
14 則評論


"Mercury Undercover" unveils the dirty truth about the dangers of mercury and how those people in power would love to "protect" you from the real truth. This compelling docu-film brings light to a problem that affects more than you ever imagined.
"Mercury Undercover" exposes the cause and effect of the well-hidden evidence of mercury contamination as seen through the eyes of doctors, scientists, environmental experts and mercury-poisoned survivors. This film exposes the nature of people and the terrible things that some do just for the sake of money. It is a gripping tale that will make you think twice before you eat your next catch-of-the-day or plan your next visit to the dentist's office.


14 則評論
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If you enjoy a game of logical fallacy bingo, then this is the movie for you. Besides that, all the tropes are there : conspiracy, the long disproved autism's enough to set anyone's fillings rattling. A teeth grindingly poor production.
1 人認為這篇評論有用
Dalia Martinez
I learned about this documentary at a party while talking about mercury poison. It is hard to believe that some dentist are still using mercury amalgams, yes... the silver thing in my teeth. This lady was sharing how she was ill for a while without knowing she was been poison by her "silver amalgam fillings". I was so affected by her story, the next day I purchase the film. The subject matter is complex but the filmmakers and doctors made it easy to understand. Great documentary, one of those films that offers helpful information. Don't believe the haters, mercury can poison the human body. How can people still think is conspiracy after seen how mercury destroyed a brain neuron in the film? The scientist by the name Boyd Haley explained in way that it was easy to understand.
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I actually had to watch it twice because I miss the beginning... Anyways, the story and reality behind this films is outstanding and it really opens your eyes about the hypocrisy of politicians and some malfunctions in the system. A sad but true reality. Amalgam fillings are still legal. Please watch, also the health information is great, specially when the homeopathic medicine and chelation processes occur. I will show this movie to my family on thanksgiving. Thank you!

