Murder on the Orient Express

1974 • 127 minutos
36 opiniones
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Acerca de esta película

Elegant, escapist entertainment at its stylishly European best. This Agatha Christie whodunit boasts an incredible international cast as some of the most wonderfully eccentric characters ever created. Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar for her slightly dim-witted, Bible-quoting Swedish missionary. Albert Finney is the dapper detective Hercule Poirot, for whom murder-solving is a precise, intellectual exercise. Poirot agrees to interview all aboard the famous train's Calais coach, hoping to find the killer of an American millionaire before the local police arrive. Packed with sparkling dialogue and visually rich in texture, this incomparable thriller received six Academy Award nominations.

Calificaciones y opiniones

36 opiniones
Peter C. Frank (NiteStar)
9 de enero de 2018
With the world-class writing of Agatha Christie's novel as a plot, and world-class talent of the world's top actors all the time, as well as one of the biggest movie studios backing the film, when is almost a short success. And that is exactly what this is, wonderful success. It is simply a pleasure to watch as a story unfolds. While Christie's writing might be a bit out of time and simple compared to today's more modern plots, its Simplicity is what makes it such a pleasure and joy to watch. But don't be misguided, there are quite a few twists and turns in her plots, enough to keep many a sleuth in suspense.
River Howard
6 de abril de 2021
A classic. Albert Finney's greatest role I think...
29 de octubre de 2018
Awesome performances