Star Wars: Klony útočí

2002年 • 142 分鐘
49 則評論


Deset let po invazi na Naboo se galaxie ocitá na pokraji občanské války. Pod vedením jediského odpadlíka, hraběte Dooku, se tisíce slunečních soustav pokouší odtrhnout od Galaktické republiky. Na bývalou královnu planety Naboo a nyní senátorku Padmé Amidalu je spáchán atentát, který se však nezdaří. Následně je jí jako osobní strážce přiřazen mladý učedník na rytíře Jedi, Anakin Skywalker. Během své mise se Anakin do Padmé zamiluje a zjistí, že jeho duše skrývá i temnou stranu. Zanedlouho jsou Anakin, Padmé a Obi-Wan Kenobi vtaženi do srdce separatistického hnutí a stanou se svědky počátku Klonových válek.


"From Puppets To Pixels: Digital Characters In Episode II" Feature-Length Documentary
52 分鐘
George Lucas and the creative team behind Episode II use digital technology in order to create new characters and re-imagine familiar faces.
"Films Are Not Released, They Escape" Documentary
25 分鐘
Editor-Sound Designer Ben Burtt and team discuss how sound recordings, ADR, Foley recording and musical elements seamlessly come together in Episode II.
Deleted Scene: Anakin's Nightmares
1 分鐘
En route to Naboo aboard a refugee freighter, Anakin dreams about his mother in danger.
Deleted Scene: Dooku Interrogates Padmé
1 分鐘
Padmé requests the release of Obi-Wan from captivity, a request Count Dooku would consider if Naboo were to join the Separatists.
Deleted Scene: Jedi Temple Analysis Room
1 分鐘
Obi-Wan visits the Jedi Temple analysis room in order to find out where the dart used to kill the bounty hunter Zam Wesell originated.
Deleted Scene: Padmé's Parents' House
2 分鐘
Padmé's parents question both Padmé and Anakin about their daughter's safety, while Padmé's sister Sola asks her about her relationship with Anakin.
Deleted Scene: Obi-Wan & Mace - Jedi Landing Platform
1 分鐘
Obi-Wan and Mace Windu discuss the removal of the Kamino system from the Jedi Archives and Obi-Wan's concerns about Anakin.
State Of The Art: The Previsualization Of Episode II Documentary
23 分鐘
George Lucas, Ben Burtt and artists from Industrial Light & Magic discuss the important role previsualization played in creating unforgettable action sequences from Episode II.
Episode II Visual Effects Breakdown Montage (Siggraph Reel)
3 分鐘
In this reel of effects footage, you'll see how Industrial Light & Magic was able to create unforgettable characters and scenes from Episode II using a vast array of techniques.
Deleted Scene: Raid on the Droid Control Ship & Extended Arena Fight
3 分鐘
During the Geonosian arena battle, a team of Jedi led by Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon attempt to deactivate the Droid Control Ship, only to discover that these droids have been upgraded. Cut amid this story is additional action of Jedi battling in the arena.
Conversations: Sounds In Space
6 分鐘
Legendary sound mixers Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood meet at Skywalker Ranch to discuss how they came to work on the Star Wars films, share the surprising sounds that made the movies roar to life and celebrate the franchise that defined their careers.
Discoveries From Inside: Costumes Revealed
4 分鐘
J.W. Rinzler and Laela French look at some of the most iconic wardrobe pieces in cinema history and share anecdotal fun facts about the costumes of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Han Solo and other fascinating Star Wars characters.


49 則評論
Jan Moravec
Only 1 audio track is available, in language which is not preffered. The service sucks
Maraparkour Maraparkour
Skvělý film akorát ty boje sou zdlouhavé doporučuju stáhnout
Leia Organa
Skvěle to navazuje na skrytou hrozbu. Moc pěkný film.👍👍👍👍