Travis Jordan
Horrific. Ugly as hell. There are many different words or phrases I could use to describe this movie, "fresh" is not one of them. Everything about this movie, from Hilary Swank's boobs to the film's terrible editing to the film's rough transitioning between scenes is "rotten." This movie's 81% "fresh" rating on Rotten Tomatoes proves that the critics have a different taste in movies than the rest of us.
Ma Perz
This is what living on the frontier was like. What did you think? This is all true. Hardworking, lonely, down to basics, " get it done or be done" type of people. True fiction. Everyone is upset because it doesn't fit the type of movie making mold they are used to. That's why the actors are drawn to it as well- this is not another cookie cutter film. I applaud Jones for having the b***s to do this film. I love a good western.
Jeff Shellow
Ya i realize the age of the movie star is dead and anyone can be a world star but heres a script that piqued Streep, TLJ, AND hillary Swank and it sits there like, well, frankly like dumb and dummer should, with no interest. I felt dirty like when i was a kid doing something wrong when i bought d&d 2 but i bought it.. Why dont we support this film as well. If for nothing else than this ACTUAL all star cast!!!
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