The Hurt Locker

2009年 • 130 分鐘
2.65K 則評論


War is a drug. Nobody knows that better than Staff Sergeant James, head of elite squad of soldiers tasked with disarming bombs in the heat of combat. To do this nerve-shredding job, it's not enough to be the best: you have to thrive in a zone where the margin of error is zero, think as diabolically as a bomb-maker, and somehow survive with your body and soul intact. Powerfully realistic, action-packed, unrelenting and intense, The Hurt Locker has been hailed by critics as "an adrenaline-soaked tour de force" (A.O. Scott, The New York Times) and "one of the great war movies." (Richard Corliss, Time)


2.65K 則評論
Bree Watts
A movie to see over a couple of times..Supports a soldier and how they try and cope. War has emotions that cover a large spectrum. Excellent movie. Will go down as historical war show. Great graphics and great actors. To bad American Sniper wasn't seen for what it is. But both will be seen as top movies for a "Soldiers Life."
Steve Hilliard
I am a former EOD tech who has been there. Movie is a little over they top and not so far off at the same time. I've spent years trying to explain to people what it feels like and the scene at the end when he's in the store says it all. You feel useless unless your doing your job. That's ask there is.
22 人認為這篇評論有用
This will go down as one of the classic military films of the new generation.I have a step son who's in the service and he's in Iraq i worry about him everyday. This movie realism was so intense at times it felt like i was there! It took me some time to watch this i didn't watch it when it was first released in theaters. This movie just let you see that being over there is a bunch of bullshit! Thanks for this movie cause it really shows the true colors of the military.
19 人認為這篇評論有用