The Score

2001年 • 124 分鐘
58 則評論


Three generations of acclaimed actors team up in The Score, an intriguing crime thriller that marks the first time that legendary Oscar winners* Robert De Niro and Marlon Brando have shared the screen. Also starring Oscar nominee** Edward Norton, The Score wowed critics and audiences alike. When expert safecracker Nick Wells (De Niro) decides it might be time to settle down with his girlfriend Diane (Oscar nominee*** Angela Bassett) and stick to his legitimate business, running a jazz nightclub in Montreal, his friend and partner Max (Brando) has other plans. Heavily in debt to a crime boss, Max needs Nick to pull one last heist: help novice thief Jack Teller (Norton) steal a scepter worth $30 million from the House of Customs. Tempted by the $6 million payday, Nick reluctantly agrees to do the job. But what starts out as a safe bet turns into a high risk gamble when a clash of egos threatens to bring them all down. Featuring performances by jazz greats Cassandra Wilson and Mose Allison, The Score is one of the smartest, most entertaining crime capers ever filmed, with surprises at every turn.*De Niro: 1974 Best Supporting Actor, The Godfather Part II, 1980 Best Actor, Raging Bull, Brando: 1954 Best Actor, On the Waterfront**1996 Best Supporting Actor nominee: Primal Fear, 1998 Best Actor nominee, American History X***1993 Best Actress nominee, What's Love Got To Do With It?


58 則評論
Dave Fortes
If you've been living in solitary confinement and / or for some reason haven't seen this golden nugget yet: Oh my, you're in for a treat! Just watch this AB-SO-LUTE masterpiece and rejoice. Trust me, it doesn't get any better than this :-)
22 人認為這篇評論有用
Junior Trinidad
Buen elenco y buena trama de un ladrón que roba a ladrón
Diego Jelves
Como las weass en niun lado salia para seleccionar idioma
15 人認為這篇評論有用