The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2

2012年 • 115 分鐘
1.37K 則評論


Transformed, Bella (Kristen Stewart) stands alongside Edward (Robert Pattinson) as a vampire. Experiencing phenomenal powers she thrives in her new life... but danger is never far away. Facing the wrath of the Volturi, led by the menacing Aro (Michael Sheen), can Edward, Bella and Jacob (Taylor Lautner) find the strength for one last stand to live the life they dream of? - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2 © 2012, Artwork & Supplementary Materials TM & © 2013 Summit Entertainment, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


1.37K 則評論
Stephen Willetts
Why oh why did I both? Such a bad series of films. Girls how shallow can you be to think that Bella and Edward make the perfect pair. Bella is such a selfish person. All she cares about is what she wants, she gives no thought for her father, and we are supposed to like her! The big fight sequence seemed to be the films redeeming factor. A lot of the main characters being killed off. Then you realise its all a vision. Utter rubbish!
4 人認為這篇評論有用
Tom Mayer
Here we are at the final installment of the Twilight films and we of sound mind and body ask outsold whether we're going to be repaid in heaven for tolerating some of the God-awful performances put before us. Now that Mrs Plankface has become a vampire, Mr Friendzone has given up and will help her and her husband defend their computer generated daughter from the hoards of the distant and powerless wrath of the Volturi, lead by Aro (played by Michael Sheen, THE BEST ACTOR IN THE SERIES AND HE'S ONLY IN THE ENTIRE SAGA FOR THE SUM OF FIVE SECONDS). If you like Twilight, watch this and get it over with. If you don't, watch if you're curious or don't and retain your brain cells. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go and remind myself that there are things worth spending time on in the world.
14 人認為這篇評論有用
Courtney-Jade Quayle
it says its the film not the trailer, i got a £10 gift card for here yesterday for christmas and the part one full film cost the exact same as the part 2 for trailer and it doesn't say until after you have purchased it and you start watching it that it is the trailer so now i have to go to youtube or sky movies on demand to see if they have the full film for part 2 there!!