Executive Producer George Lucas and Lucasfilm Animation present Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Set between Episode II and Episode III of the Star Wars saga, Star Wars: The Clone Wars combines ground-breaking computer-generated animation with epic storytelling. As war sweeps through the galaxy, the Jedi Knights, including heroes Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and newcomer Ahsoka Tano, fight against the dark side of the Force in order to restore peace to the galaxy. Led by Count Dooku, his assassin Asajj Ventress, and the mechanical General Grievous, the Separatists scheme to defeat the Jedi. Each episode is an action-packed adventure that delves deeper into the Star Wars universe, introducing new characters and exploring new planets as the Jedi and their Clone Army embark on new missions to protect the galaxy.