La Femme Nikita

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Episodios de Temporada 3 (22)

1 Looking For Michael
Operations and Madeline plot to kill Nikita. Nikita locates the elusive Michael and experiences an emotional jolt when she meets his wife and son.
2 Someone Else's Shadow
Solo disponible en la temporada
Nikita moves in with Michael and his family in order to help Section One locate and kill Elena's father--Salla Vacek, the richest terrorist in the world. Section One captures and tortures one of Vacek's Cambridge classmates to elicit information about the terrorist's activities. Vacek fails to keep an appointment to see his daughter, foiling Section One's plan to kill him.
3 Opening Night Jitters
Section One orders Michael to poison Elena in order to trap her father, international terrorist Salla Vacek. From her hospital bed, Elena witnesses the actual death of her father and the staged death of her husband, Michael. Operations and Madeline tell Michael he can never see his wife and son again. Obnoxious Section informant Mick Schtoppel moves into Nikita's apartment building --right next door to her!
4 Gates Of Hell
Unable to see his son ever again, Michael contemplates suicide. On a mission with Michael, Nikita is kidnapped. With total disregard for his personal safety, Michael kills many enemy agents and successfully rescues Nikita. Birkoff discovers a damaging secret file that belongs to Operations.
5 Imitation Of Death
Section One destroys a genetics laboratory designed to create perfect little terrorists. Nikita suspects that Section One has a similar laboratory of its own, but she fails to prove so to Michael. Operations places Felix in abeyance, sending him on a suicide mission, which he apparently survives. Birkoff fears retaliation from Felix.
6 Love And Country
Madeline poses as a psychotherapist to convince a South American political candidate's devoted wife--who is also a Section operative once married to Operations--to kill the politico. Nikita and Michael assist in Operations' plan to manipulate Corrine and her environment until she becomes paranoid and hateful enough to commit murder.
7 Cat And Mouse
Without Section One's knowledge, Nikita is ambushed during a mission and replaced by a Red Cell look-alike. Nikita is forced to assist her double in order to protect Michael. Series star PETA WILSON plays a dual role.
8 Outside The Box
Section One kidnaps Benjamin Kruger, a man with a photographic memory, to help on a mission. To force Kruger to cooperate, Madeline shows him a manufactured videotape of him killing a man. Seeing Kruger get trapped into working for Section One, Nikita wonders if Section One did the same to her. An arrogant computer expert, Greg Hillinger, tries to sabotage Birkoff's computer.
9 Slipping Into Darkness
Michael empties a vial containing a psychotropic agent into Operations' coffee mug. As his judgement disintegrates and paranoid delusions increase, Operations sends operatives on a mission to capture a man who's been dead for four years. Michael assumes command of Section One, and an elaborate plan to kill Red Cell leader Philo is revealed.
10 Under The Influence
Nikita pretends to be married to a vile, sadistic terrorist as Section One endeavors to locate anthrax rockets that her "husband" and his brother stole. Madeline lies to protect Operations when he kills his son's murderer--a terrorist under Section protection. Professional wrestler VAL VENIS makes a special guest-starring appearance.
11 Walk On By
A new recruit--someone from Nikita's past--knows where Nikita can find her mother. Nikita enlists Michael's aid when she realizes that her mother (MARGOT KIDDER) has hired a private investigator because she doesn't believe Nikita is dead. Operations spares Walter's life after the latter's reckless disclosure of his own involvement with Section One.
12 Threshold Of Pain
On a mission to terminate a terrorist organization called Black March, Nikita and two fellow operatives, Angela and Mark, are captured. Mark reveals the location of a Section substation to save Angela, his lover, from torture, but later blames Nikita for the disclosure. Rocker ADAM ANT guest stars.
13 Beyond The Pale
When another operative, Zalman, gets promoted to head strategist instead of Michael, Michael and Nikita flee Section One. Section operatives capture Michael, who refuses to reveal Nikita's location until Zalman shows him a videotape of his son, Adam. Operations' elaborate scheme to prove to Oversight that Zalman belongs to Red Cell comes to light.
14 Hand To Hand
To capture an industrialist who finances terrorist bombings around the world, Nikita thinks that she is infiltrating a white slavery ring, but she finds her mission at an adult entertainment complex far more deadly. Madeline dismisses Renee, an agent performing a collateral intelligence assessment of Section One, after Renee becomes sexually involved with Operations. Renee vows revenge.
15 Before I Sleep
When a captured terrorist kills herself, Section One recruits Sarah Gerard, an innocent look-alike with a terminal disease, to learn the location of a terrorist group's headquarters. Madeline lies about having an antidote to Sarah's illness. Planning to kill herself, Sarah stays in the terrorists' headquarters when she plants a bomb, but Nikita risks her own life to save Sarah.
16 I Remember Paris
When the terrorist group Glass Curtain discovers Section One's location, Operations evacuates everyone and incinerates the underground facility. Section One operatives kill everyone at Glass Curtain headquarters. Section One moves into its new headquarters--an exact replica of the previous installation, but located in a different city.
17 All Good Things
When Operations temporarily leaves Section One, Michael assumes full command. But will Michael's newfound power forever change Nikita's feelings towards him?
18 Third Party Ripoff
Believing that Michael and Nikita's relationship compromises Michael's decision-making ability and jeopardizes Section One's missions, Operations and Madeline set in motion another plan to separate the two operatives. A rift develops between Walter and Birkoff when they date the same woman, a beautiful mission profiler.
19 Any Means Necessary
Greg Hillinger, a subordinate, sabotages Birkoff's computer terminal to make Birkoff appear incompetent to Operations. Operations directs Hillinger to take over Birkoff's post and gives Birkoff an external assignment: to infiltrate a small but highly effective cult of terrorists called Soldats de Liberte and headed by Jean-Marc Rousseau. Birkoff appears sympathetic to Rousseau's cause, but will he betray Section One?
20 Three Eyed Turtle
When a mission fails, Hillinger conceals his negligence. Birkoff does not reveal to Madeline that Hillinger is responsible for the mission's failure, but later he confesses the truth to Operations. Operations puts Hillinger in abeyance, and the young operative apparently dies in an explosion. George promises Madeline that she will replace Operations as the head of Section One, but she manipulates the situation to make George appear treasonous.
21 Playing With Fire
Operations sends Michael's team to steal detonation chips from the base camp of the kamikaze terrorist group Crimson Storm. After the successful mission, Michael and Nikita steal away for a romantic interlude, but Birkoff feels obligated to report them to Madeline and Operations. Madeline and Operations worry that Nikita and Michael are either still conducting a relationship or planning a takeover of Section One.
22 On Borrowed Time
Nikita and Michael infiltrate Genefex, a pharmaceutical lab making biological weapons for Red Cell. At Genefex, Nikita unexpectedly encounters Madeline, who uses a combination of chemical and electronic means to neutralize Nikita's feelings of love for Michael. Operations places Walter in "retirement." Birkoff sabotages the work of Walter's replacement to force Operations to bring Walter back to Section One.

Acerca de este programa

Condemned to death for a vicious crime she didn't commit, Nikita (series star Peta Wilson) is given a second chance - to live as a secret government assassin whose life is controlled by a mysterious agent and his colleagues. Transformed from a prison inmate into a sexy, sophisticated government operative, Nikita is the perfect weapon.

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213 opiniones
Gisela Morales
26 de febrero de 2015
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