Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil

2007 • Adult Swim
108 opiniones
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Episodios de Temporada 1 (11)

1 Escapeoke
Satan buys Tequila Sally's, a chain of cheesy restaurants, and Lucy convinces him to hire DJ Jesus to be the karaoke disc jockey.
2 Dildo Factory
Satan and Becky, the Devil's advocate, believe if the people of the world masturbate just 8% more, civilization will collapse.
3 Temptasia
Solo disponible en la temporada
The Prophesy tells us that if DJ Jesus doesn't perform at Burning Man an unholy sand storm will destroy the American west.
4 Terry the Teratoma
A teratoma is tumor that grows teeth and hair. Satan has one removed from his armpit and brings it home to be his friend.
5 Human Sacrifice
Senator Whitehead wants to announce his candidacy for President of the United States.
6 The Busboy
Senator Whitehead's son Tad is a registered sex offender so Satan gives him a job as a busboy at Tequila Sally's.
7 The Special Fathers vs. The Vampire Altar Boys
Vampire altar boys and vampire choir boys have been preying on priests throughout the city.
8 The Dreamster
The Dreamster Sound Effects Machine was designed to help you fall asleep naturally and deeply.
9 Satan's School for Girls
DJ Jesus and his entourage rent out an old Catholic girl's boarding school so he can work on his re-remix in quiet isolation.
10 Untitled Monster Story
A monster has been coming across the Golden Gate Bridge at night and attacking the city of San Francisco.
11 He's Not The Messiah, He's a DJ
Lucy, daughter of Satan, struggles to find a boyfriend free of her father's meddling. The Prince of Lies sets her up on a blind date with a senator at Club Armageddon, home of DJ Jesus.

Acerca de este programa

Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil is about the devil, his daughter, and their complicated relationship. She's 21, she lives in San Francisco, and she's dating a DJ named Jesus (pronounced HEY-soos).

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