Naked And Afraid Xl

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第3季剧集(11 集)

1 Brave New World
Nine Naked and Afraid veterans are introduced as they prepare for the return of the most formidable group survival challenge on the planet - surviving 40 days and 40 nights in the deadly jungle of Ecuador's Amazon Basin.
2 Heart of Darkness
Nine Naked and Afraid veterans attempt to survive the deadly jungles of Ecuador's Amazon Basin for 40 days and 40 nights. To make it out alive, they'll have to master the environment, push the limits of human endurance.
3 What Lies Beneath
The seven remaining survivalists enter the second week of their brutal 40-day challenge in the bug-infested Amazon Jungle. After two tap-outs in the first four days, the Amazon proves to be harder than they thought. Now their priority is to find food.
4 Shattered
Lacey's successful night-fishing plan yields an incredible boost in strength and team morale, but lack of food and sleep at Camp Laguna Negra makes Shannon continue to spiral downward. Matt and Russell take to the water and score another huge protein win.
5 Outbreak
As they approach the halfway point of their brutal 40-day challenge the remaining six survivalists merge into a single team only to be dealt a devastating setback when a deadly bacteria threatens to take out their leader.
6 Worlds Collide Part 2
Still mourning the loss of their chief provider, the remaining five survivalists endure yet another shocking development when they learn they are not alone in the unrelenting jungles of the Amazon and are given an opportunity to join forces with others.
7 Divided We Fall
Days after the shocking arrival of a new team member, division among the remaining six survivalists deepens as Russell leads the men on a risky two-day hunting expedition.
8 Left Behind
Four weeks into the brutal 40-day Amazon challenge, a violent two-day storm descends on the jungle. Before it's over, one more survivalist will be gone, leaving another hanging by a tenuous thread.
9 The Final Fight
After Russell's shocking decision to quit the Amazon challenge, the remaining survivalists struggle to regroup in time for a brutal two-day 15-mile water extraction journey. Electric eels, anaconda and caiman all pose threats in this jam-packed finale.
10 Unfinished Business
The 10 survivalists reunite for the first time since leaving the Amazon. Through roundtable discussion, new interviews, and never-before-seen footage, they offer unique insight into the highs and lows of their 40-day challenge.
11 Triple Threat
Veterans of all three seasons of Naked and Afraid XL come together for the first time to compare their experiences and share new insight into what makes this epic 40-day survival challenge the ultimate test of skill and human endurance.


All-star survivalists face 60 days in the Louisiana swamp.



