Nature Cat

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第 4 季劇集 (8 集)

1 Stop That Squirrel/Onward and Pondward
Stop That Squirrel- Oh yeah! Nature Cat and his pals can't wait for a day of backyard bird watching! And Nature Cat has a sure-fire way to attract the birds - the bird feeder! But things take a turn when a grey squirrel named Cruiser breaks into the birdfeed and takes all the birdseed for himself. Squirrel Power! Can Nature Cat and the gang build a bird feeder that Cruiser can't conquer and save their day of backyard bird watching?/ Onward and Pondward- Nature Cat and his pals meet a Little Duckling who's in a hurry to leave his pond home - for good! But why would a Duckling want to leave such a beautiful place? It's pond-tastic! The truth is, the Duckling is scared of water! Water...why'd it have to be water? Maybe Nature Cat and the Duckling can try to overcome their fear of water together? Tally ho!
2 Appily Ever After/Sound Off
Appily Ever After- It's Fall! Apple picking season! But Hal wants to know - how did the apples get up in the trees? An apple fairy? A magic spell? The internet? And how long does it take? Long time? Short time? No time? So many questions! That reminds Nature Cat of his all-time favorite nature story, which will help answer all of Hal's apple questions. It's time to tell Nature Cat's version of Johnny Appleseed!/ Sound Off- Man-oh-man! What's that noise?! Daisy keeps hearing the most annoying beeping sound and it's coming from across the lake. The terrible sound is even upsetting the lake fish and if it doesn't stop soon, the fish could be in big trouble! Can Nature Cat and his pals find where the rogue sound is coming from and stop the boisterous blaring beeps? Onward and soundward!
3 The Shell Game/Heron Food Blues
The Shell Game- Nature Cat and his pals are ready to play Ronald in their five-player volleyball championship match of the world! They’ve been practicing all week and are so ready! There’s only one problem: their fifth player, Herbert the Hermit Crab, is having a little shell trouble. His shell doesn’t fit anymore and he can’t play volleyball without one. Can Nature Cat and the gang find the perfect shell to protect Herbert’s little crabby belly in time for the game? Or will they be forced to forfeit, making Ronald the champion?/ Heron Food Blues- It’s the annual Net-A-Fish-And-Toss-It-Back-A-Thon over at the pond! But something’s not right – Nature Cat and his pals have netted exactly…no fish. Last year there were so many fish they couldn’t net ‘em fast enough. Where did all the fish go? The answer comes from an unlikely source – Flo the Heron, who lives at the pond and hasn’t had a good fish dinner in days. Nature Cat will do whatever it takes to find some fish for Flo. Onward and fishward!
4 Spring Hunter 3000/The Case of the Missing Moon
Spring Hunter 3000- Spring has sprung! And it's now time for Daisy's favorite online game: Spring Hunter 3000! The goal of the game is to try and find as many signs of spring as possible: birds, flowers, you name it. The more you find, the more points you get. And whoever gets the most points is deemed the Queen or King of spring! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!/ The Case of the Missing Moon- Hal is so so so sad! When he went to howl at the moon, like he does every night, the moon was? gone! But that's impossible! How does a moon just disappear? There has to be a logical explanation, right? Can Nature Cat and his pals find the missing moon? Or will Hal's nightly howls come to an end for good?
5 Mighty Mountain Climbers/Bug Eating Plants!
Mighty Mountain Climbers- On a dare from Ronald, Nature Cat and his pals try to climb all the way up to The Mighty Mountain Peak. They get all the supplies they need, and head out, led by Nature Cat. But they soon find out that hiking up a mountain is hard, and poses many problems no matter how prepared you are. Will they make it all the way to the peak?!/ Bug Eating Plants!- A super excited Squeeks shows her brand-new, homemade comic "Bug Eating Plants of The Swamp!" to her pals. As Squeeks begins to read the story, we see this action packed adventure played out, as tiny Nature Cat, Hal, Daisy and Squeeks must make their way through the swamp while trying to stay away from the Bug Eating Plants, which proves difficult for Tiny Hal!
6 Flight of the Firefly/Thunderstruck
The Flight of The Firefly- While looking for fireflies in the backyard, Hal catches one so the gang can look closely at it and watch it glow. Hal names the firefly George and promises to watch it and hug it and then set it free which he does, but for some reason George doesn’t want to fly away and hangs around Hal. George seems to have something on his mind. Since no one can communicate with a firefly, they call in Houston. With the help of his firefly communicator, they find out that George is lost and needs help finding the Firefly Fiesta!- Thunderstruck- It’s Nature Scrapbook Day today! Nature Cat and his pals are out in nature, taking photos, drawing pictures and collecting various aspects of nature to put in their nature scrapbook. Suddenly, a thunderstorm causes the gang to seek shelter in Hal’s doghouse. As Nature Cat and his friends learn thunderstorms are nothing to be scared of, they also are able to see the beauty of thunderstorms, which become the last entry in their scrapbook.
7 Plants Got the Moves/Magnet Mania
Plants Got the Moves- Daisy has being getting ready for months for the Animal Science Fair, which is later on in the woods. Man-oh-man is Daisy ready with her terrific exhibit, which shows how bean seeds grow. But before going to the fair, a gust of wind blows, knocking over her science fair project and ruining it. Daisy needs help to try and find another science project to exhibit at the Animal Science Fair and gets inspiration from an unlikely source: plants that move!/ Magnet Mania- You ever hear of Ole’ Lucky the Lodestone? Well, it’s only the biggest magnetic rock the word’s ever seen that can attract things with iron in it, and the final destination for the gang’s celebration of Magnet Mania! But there is one problem, how do they go North to get to Ole’ Lucky when they have no compass?
8 Return to Mighty Mountain/Welcome to the Vernal Pond
Return To Mighty Mountain- There is no giving up for Nature Cat and his pals. After failing to reach the peak of the Mighty Mountains, they are going to try to hike all the way up again! But this time, they have a surprise: help from an unlikely, yet extremely experienced, mountain climber to guide them – Granny Bunny!/ Welcome to the Vernal Pond- While playing in the woods, Nature Cat and his pals come across Fern, a spotted salamander who just so happens to be pregnant, and ready to have her babies! But she needs help getting to the safest spot in the woods to have her babies, the vernal pond. Nature Cat knows these woods like the back of his hand, and he has never heard of or seen the vernal pond. Fern cannot wait to show them why!


Nature Cat investigates and explores nature with the help of his animal friends, while encouraging children ages 3 to 8 to get outside, connect with the natural world and understand the need for environmental conservation.


240 則評論

