The Trap Door Complete Collection

26 reseñas
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Episodios de Temporada 1 (40)

1 Breakfast Time
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Berk is busy preparing his master's breakfast - from worms and other vile concoctions, when a strange yellow creature comes out of the trap door in the kitchen floor and eats the breakfast, closely followed by a large Big Red Thing which chases Berk until Berk hides behind a mirror - the ugly monster gets a nasty shock and retreats down the trap door.
2 Slither, Wriggle and Writhe
Solo temporada
Berk is trying to put up some shelves for his master and is using Boni as a prop to hold up the shelf. Looking for some more wood, Berk's opens the trap door, but a huge octopus-like creature emerges with writhing arms and creates havoc in the kitchen.
3 Food for Thort
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Berk is instructed to go and see to the garden. He goes out to feed the plants, especially Thort, his master's favourite vegetable.
4 Lurkings
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Berk, Boni and Drutt go down to the swamp outside the castle to do some fishing. Boni is moaning because he finds it boring, but Berk has left the trap door open and he is soon surprised by an enormous pink monster who creeps up behind them. Berk is so frightened he falls into the swamp, only to find the monster is friendly and wants to join in.
5 Gourmet's Delight
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Berk is cooking again, when something invisible comes out of the trap door and starts throwing things about. Berk scores a direct hit in retaliation with some yellow goo and the little creature - Bubo - becomes visible and bright yellow. When Berk eventually catches the naughty Bubo, he finds a hole in the top of his head, blows him up like a balloon and lets him off into the air and lets him drop back down the trap door.
6 The Trap Door - Creepy Crawly
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Something large and black with "lots of legs" comes out of the trap door and scuttles off down the corridor, but Berk won't believe Boni. He goes in search of it and finds a tiny spider, thinking it must be Boni's monster, but just then the enormous black spider drops down in front of him, wraps him in thick green web and chases him into the kitchen. Drutt spins the spider up in his own web and Berk is able to push it back down the trap door.
7 The Big Thing
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Boni is bored, but Berk doesn't have time to talk to him. Then Rogg appears from the trap door and takes Boni out 'to play' on top of the castle ramparts. Boni talks and talks and bores Rogg until he falls off the castle on top of Berk, who has come in search of Boni. Boni is left talking to himself...
8 Ghoulies
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Berk and Boni are going through things in a room that's been left untouched for a long time. Berk finds an old book of spells and reads one out, summoning up the 'Ghostly Ghoulies'.
9 The Dose
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The Thing Upstairs has a cold, so Berk makes him some of his special medicine. Meanwhile, a 'horrible green gobby lump' comes out of the trap door and drinks all the medicine, with strange results. As Berk drags the little green thing back to the trap door, he finds the creature's mum has come out too - a large yellow lump. Berk, Boni and Drutt all end up with colds.
10 The Thingy
Solo temporada
Berk is trying to nail the trap door down, but it's no good - a large peculiar looking Thingy comes popping up and changes Berk, Boni and Drutt into all sorts of different shapes, before eventually disappearing again, leaving them back to normal.
11 Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
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Berk goes to sleep but something horrid emerges from the Trap Door and kidnaps Boni. Berk goes down to rescue him.
12 Fester Rancid
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Boni is pestered by Bubo, who has returned again to cause havoc. Berk goes to the rescue, but ends up in the swamp, menaced by swamp creatures. He manages to get out and teaches Bubo a lesson.
13 The Pain
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Him Upstairs has tooth ache and Berk is summoned to administer to him. Once he finds which head the bad tooth is in, Berk pulls out the rotten one - or does he?
14 The Little Thing
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Him Upstairs is asleep and so is Boni. Meanwhile a little thing comes out of the trap door and zooms about so that Berk cannot catch it. Each time it stops it emits a loud fog horn. To Berk's horror, it goes upstairs and into his master's bedroom.
15 Don't Open That Trap Door
Solo temporada
Berk is tidying up and finds an old radio, which starts to play the Trap Door theme song. As it plays Rogg and other assorted creatures come out of the trap door and dance about. Him Upstairs, however, is not amused…
16 Junk Food
Solo temporada
Berk is told to throw out the rubbish and decides to throw it down the trap door. But Rogg appears and eats it all up with relish. He then climbs into the dumb waiter and wonders into Him Upstair's boudoir, which lands Berk in trouble.
17 The Trap Door - Yechh!
Solo temporada
Boni is asleep. A creature comes out of the trap door and lays some eggs. Berk comes in and see the eggs hatch into green creatures. These creatures then explode into yellow gunge which looks like scrambled eggs. Berk concerned with the mess decides to push it all down the trap door. Boni wakes up having seen nothing and suggests that scrambled eggs would be a good idea for breakfast.
18 The Trap Door - Flyin' Wotsit Fingy
Solo temporada
Berk is trying to take some photographs of his friends, when a 'flyin' wotsit fingy' comes out of the trap door. Berk has seen it before and knows that it gives Him Upstairs pimples if it gets near him.
19 Strange Goings On
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Boni has been complaining of boredom again, but Berk has planned a picnic at the swamp. First, though, he has to see Him Upstairs.
20 Midnight Snack
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Berk is asleep. Three monsters, Big Mouths, appear out of the trap door. They eat everything in sight and make a complete mess of the place.
21 Nasty Stuff
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Berk makes some medicine for his headache, but after drinking it becomes a horrible monster.
22 Sniff That!
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Berk is trying to unblock the drains. The trap door has been left open and Boni is worried about what might come out.
23 Vile Pile
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Berk is throwing rubbish down the trap door and Boni is worried about the consequences. Something comes out of the door. Meanwhile Berk is busy creating food. The monster looks like a pile of rubbish and Berk picks a bit of it up thinking it could be suitable for his cooking creation.
24 Slightly Weird
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Berk is looking for mushrooms for Him Upstairs. He tries to pick one and it bites him. Berk is furious and chases after it determined to catch it. The mushroom leads him all over the place, until eventually Berk catches up with him near a bog. The mushroom kicks him and Berk falls into the bog. Berk decides to give up the chase and sets off for home. He gets lost - but eventually finds his way back and ends up climbing through the trap door.
25 Bye Bye Berk
Solo temporada
Berk is busy tidying up, when he realises that he is surrounded by monsters that have come out of the trap door. At first he can't understand how the monsters got in, but realises he must have left the trap door open when he was clearing the rubbish away.
26 Scounge
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Berk is busy cooking and Boni is busy complaining of boredom, as usual. The peace is shattered, however, by the arrival of Bubo from the trap door, resulting in a scunge fight. Eventually Rogg appears out of the trap door and realising Berk is annoyed at Bubo, he neatly swots the little yellow creature back down the trap door.
27 Oh Globbits
Solo temporada
Berk has a burst water pipe and uses a worm to block it. When he returns to the kitchen, he finds Boni and Drutt hiding from a large sponge-like monster which has come out of the trap door and is floating around. Berk decides to try and get rid of it before it floats off to see Him Upstairs, so he takes it outside and pushes it off into the distance. Back in the castle, Berk finds his worm has disappeared and the castle is flooded, at which point he suddenly realises how useful the sponge-like monster would be and goes hurriedly back to try and find it.
28 Moany Boni
Solo temporada
Boni is bored again, but not for long. The trap door is open and a creature appears out of it. It touches Boni and he develops a body. Boni is delighted but the others wonder what is going on. The creature then touches Berk and as a result he turns red. Drutt starts changing into a multitude of different colours. Boni suddenly sees a replica of himself sitting in his hole, he is confused and develops a headache. Boni wakes up he realises he has been dreaming. - or has he? - there is a chuckle from the creature up above!
29 The Horrible Thing
Solo temporada
Everyone is bored. Him Upstairs is out, so Berk decides to play hide and seek. They go and hide and leave Drutt with a pot on his head to make the game harder. A creature comes out of the trap door while they are hiding in the dumb waiter. The creature follows them into the dumb waiter as Him Upstairs returns and yells down for supper. Berk decides to send him the creature for supper. Boni is too slow to get out of the hiding place and goes up for supper as well. Him Upstairs eats the monster happily but complains that there are bones and sends back down the bones......Boni.
30 Not Very Nice
Solo temporada
Berk is upstairs cleaning Him Upstairs's eyeballs when he accidentally drops one and it ends up falling down the trap door. Berk in his endeavours to find it falls over Drut and falls down the trap door. He goes looking for the eyeball and eventually ends up in what he thinks is a cave but is in fact a creature's mouth. The creature spits out Berk with the eyeball and they land back safely in Berk's room. Berk is relieved that Him Upstairs didn't see Berk had nearly lost his eyeball ... or has he?!
31 Bugs
Solo temporada
Berk is busy working in the kitchen cooking something for Him Upstairs' supper. Boni sees an army of wriggly slimy things come out of the trap door. Berk comes to have a look. More and more bugs appear until everywhere is covered in them. Berk and Boni decide they have to get away from the creatures and they end up clinging to the exterior of the castle. Berk slips and falls through the roof onto Him Upstairs' bed. Eventually Berk finds a Bug which he can use as a trumpet and he pipes all the bugs away from the castle into the distance, following the example of the Pied Piper of Hamlyn.
32 Yum Yum
Solo temporada
Berk is taking some food upstairs and accidentally falls over Drutt and all the food goes flying. He decides he has had enough of Drutt always being in the way and decides to get rid of him once and for all by throwing him down the trap door. Berk gets back to his chores in the kitchen, but begins to feel guilty, so he decides to try and fish Drutt out with a long worm to entice him. Instead he gets an adorable looking little creature which changes into a nasty big mouthed thing. Rogg appears out of the door and with him comes Drutt, which inspires Berk to philosophise...
33 Birthday Surprise
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Drutt is lost. Berk eventually finds him hiding away - he seems to be acting a bit strangely.
34 The Stupid Thing
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Berk is organising a slime bath for Him Upstairs. Drutt is catching worms for his babies when he sees a very juicy worm appear out of the trap door.
35 Boo
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Berk has been clearing up and collecting all the rubbish, which he tips down the trap door. Boni is concerned as usual, warning Berk of the consequences. Berk goes to check his cooking in the oven.
36 The Lump
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There is a dreadful smell and nobody can understand where it has come from. They find a enormous pink lump and decide that the smell is coming from it.
37 The Splund
Solo temporada
Berk is preparing food for Him Upstairs, who has been eating all day and Berk is worried that he is going to pop. Him upstairs splits his pyjamas and Berk goes to his rescue with his sewing things. Something floats up out of the trap door and starts asking Boni lots of questions. Berk appears sees the thing and pricks it with his needle - it was nothing but a bag of wind.
38 Nasty Beasty
Solo temporada
It is very cold. Him Upstairs's heater is not working and Berk is asked to fix it. Rogg appears out of the trap door with something stuck to his head. It moves off Rogg onto Boni and then Drutt. Berk returns and is told to look out for the sticking thing. Berk can't see anything and thinks they are all having him on. The think sticks to the back of Berk and as Berk disappears back upstairs it goes with him.
39 What a Weirdo
Solo temporada
When Berk is not looking, another trap door creature emerges and gobbles up first Boni, then Drutts nippers, then Him Upstairs's dinner and finally Drutt. Berk cross at losing his friends, but furious at losing his special gourmet concoction! When he catches up with the horrible pink creature, he bonks it on the back and out come all his friends. Then Rogg, who has appeared, has a go at bonking him and out comes Berk's gourmet dinner - all over Berk, followed by a "nice pudding"!
40 The Big Red Thing
Solo temporada
The Big Red Thing has come to terrorise Berk and friends once more. Luckily, Rogg is at hand and when he is swotted by the Big Red Thing he gets very cross and goes after it in retaliation. Berk, Boni, Drutt and his nippers, hurry after him out of the castle to make sure Rogg is not hurt. They see the two monsters fighting, but then the Big Red Thing disappears and Rogg is left motionless. They cannot rouse him and sadly realise that "Rogg has gone" ... or has he? (after the credits) Rogg wakes up - but where, then is the Big Red Thing?.

Información de esta serie

3D plasticine animation, featuring Berk, a blue creature who lives as servant to the unseen 'Thing Upstairs' in an old dark house. Every time the trap door opens a new adventure begins for Berk and his pals; Boni (a talking skull) and Drutt (a mischievous spider)!

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26 reseñas