True Blood

2008 • HBO
9.38K 則評論

《Season 1》分集 (12 集)

1 Strange Love
Across the country, vampires have come 'out of the coffin' after the invention of mass-produced synthetic blood. In Louisiana, Sookie Stackhouse, a waitress with telepathic abilities, falls under the spell of a sexy vampire named Bill Compton.
2 The First Taste
Bill returns Sookie's favor by rescuing her from the Rattrays' revenge, healing the wounded waitress with his own blood and leaving her, temporarily, with heightened senses. Later, she invites him into Gran's house for a 'get-to-know-you' gathering.
3 Mine
Foiled in their attempt to 'glamour' Sookie, Malcolm, Liam and Diane retreat after Bill lays claim to her. At Merlotte's, Sam seeks a short-term remedy to his long-term loneliness, while Tara seeks respite from her mother's alcohol-fueled rage.
4 Escape From Dragon House
Another killing in Bon Temps finds Jason back in custody. Tara gets him off the hook, but neither she nor Lafayette has the antidote to his current ailment. Trying to help Jason, Sookie persuades Bill to take her to a vampire bar called Fangtasia.
5 Sparks Fly Out
Spurned by Sookie, Bill wins over Adele's church audience with his vivid recollections from the Civil War, though Andy and Bud remain suspicious. Sam tries to make the most of his opportunity with Sookie, though she's clearly not ready to commit.
6 Cold Ground
Numbed by tragedy, Sookie looks for refuge from the cacophony of her friends and neighbors' inner voices. After lashing out at his sister and decking Andy, Jason wrestles with withdrawal symptoms from his V-juice habit.
7 Burning House of Love
Sookie's painful revelation about her uncle spurs Bill into action. Despite her skepticism, Tara pays for an exorcism to purge a demon out of Lettie Mae. In search of V juice, Jason travels to Fangtasia, where he bonds with a young woman named Amy.
8 The Fourth Man in the Fire
Sookie tries to hold it together in the wake of another possible tragedy. Tara is amazed by Lettie Mae's turnaround, and considers similar therapy for herself after lashing out at Sookie and Sam. Jason's new squeeze charms the crowd at Merlotte's.
9 Plaisir d'Amour
Bill breaks a vampire taboo in protecting Sookie--and must pay a steep price as a result. Jason and Amy break their own taboo by kidnapping a vampire named Eddie to harvest his blood. Tara consults with Miss Jeanette about exorcising an inner demon.
10 I Don't Wanna Know
Caught in a compromising position, Sam shares a secret with an incredulous Sookie. Thinking she's been purged of her demon, Tara celebrates with Lettie Mae--but goes off the deep end when she uncovers Miss Jeanette's true intentions.
11 To Love Is to Bury
Bill fulfills the conditions of the tribunal's sentence, although he and Eric find that Jessica doesn't quite turn (out) as expected. Trying to solve the mystery behind her most recent vision, Sookie heads to a pie shop with Sam.
12 You'll Be the Death of Me
In the Season One finale, Sookie finds a link to the string of killings in Bon Temps--and ends up in the murderer's crosshairs. Tara decides to make the most of her second chance with Maryann; Jason finds a new calling after receiving a jail visit.


HBO's hit drama series created by Alan Ball ('Six Feet Under') and based on the best-selling Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris about a perky telepathic waitress (Anna Paquin) in a near-future in which vampires live among us.


9.38K 則評論
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1 人認為這篇評論有用
Mark Vale

