LOVOO: Aplikasi Kencan & Obrol

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Tentang aplikasi ini

- will pique your interest.
- will value your individuality.
- will put your needs first.
- will allow you to meet people in lots of different ways.
- will help you to make friends.
- will introduce you to singles in your area.
- will simplify your date planning.
- will prioritize your safety when dating.
- will allow you to discover love in all its forms.
- will be a loyal guide on your adventure.
- is not pronounced "lofoo" or "louwou" but "lovou." Kind of sounds like "love you," right?

There are millions of matches each month on LOVOO! Keep an open mind and make the first move.

// Your route to getting a date:
More than just a photo. Show your personality in your flirting profile. Charming, honest, and funny profile questions make chatting and flirting easier.

// Personal recommendations – Best Picks:
Matches with meaning. We use Best Picks to introduce you to new people who you have things in common with every day.

// Dating from your couch on Live's video chat:
Meet your matches without interruption on video chat for your first date and see if it's a good fit.

// We're reinventing the radar—the map for your date planning:
Discover singles in your area, find suitable locations for your first date, share meeting points with matches, and take advantage of special deals.

// Get chatting: matches, chats, and icebreakers
Do you play Match and discover singles who excite you? The icebreaker feature allows you to write to new people instantly and easily, without a match.

// Flirting at a glance:
Check out the flirting gallery and see who likes you or has visited your profile.

// Go on a Live video date today:
More than a traditional dating app. Start speed dating with next|date and decide whether it's a match or you want to move on to the next date. On Blind Date you can impress with your personality, humor, and voice before seeing each other in the chat or as a match.

// Better than TV—LOVOO Live:
Meet different kinds of people on live streams and in live chats. Send entertaining streamers virtual gifts or put yourself out there. People have also made friends and met lovers this way.

// A safe place for carefree flirting. Fake profiles and scams have no place on LOVOO. Our guidelines and measures help to keep you safe while you meet people. You can report inappropriate behavior, questionable profiles, and the like to us at any time.

What the press has to say:
"One of the apps on which far more women than men are registered." – Tagesspiegel
"The app is well-designed and has great features." – Cosmopolitan
"Lovoo is the perfect dating app for those who want to meet new people, are open-minded, and don't take life too seriously." – Glamour

LOVOO Premium:
You can download and use LOVOO for free. The Premium packages offer you all the benefits—swipe without restriction, be displayed more often in Match, send 3 icebreakers a day, and so much more.
Diupdate pada
9 Okt 2024

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Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
Aplikasi ini dapat membagikan jenis data ini kepada pihak ketiga
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Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
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Rating dan ulasan

1,13 jt ulasan
Pengguna Google
7 Mei 2019
bagus apikasinya....sayangnya harus bayar dan bayar. untuk yg bermata uang dolar , gaji juga dolar. tak terasa mahalnya. tapi di indonesia $1 = +- rp 14.000, untuk kirim sms aja 10 kredit. per kredit 15 sen dolar. pikirlah sendiri berapa. ?????... klo per chat kirim 10 sms, sudah berapa. +- Rp 140.000.- aplikasi orang berduit. bagaimanapun terimakasih. sorry kukasih 2, mungkin 5 klo aku orang kaya.
255 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
PE Digital GmbH
16 April 2024
Kami memahami kekecewaan Anda terhadap biaya di aplikasi kami. Kami ingin memastikan bahwa pengalaman Anda bersama kami memuaskan. Silakan hubungi tim dukungan kami agar kami dapat membantu Anda mengeksplorasi cara untuk meningkatkan pengalaman Anda. Terima kasih atas masukan Anda.
Pengguna Google
3 Mei 2019
aplikasi apaan ini ... jika ga pakai top up tidak bisa chatting... meskipun kuota data full service. dari pada ngecewain mendingan gw hapus percuma buang duit.. isinya dalamnya pada ga jelas
213 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
PE Digital GmbH
16 April 2024
Kami memahami rasa frustasi Anda. Silakan hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk membahas pengalaman Anda lebih lanjut. Kami siap membantu Anda menemukan solusi yang lebih baik.
Pengguna Google
25 Mei 2019
tolong dong camera saat live streaming kenapa ga bisa aktif ,bagus sih nambah banyak teman ... tolong di perbaiki yah??
67 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?

Yang baru

A racing heart, sweaty palms, nervous giggling... first dates are so exciting, right?
Bugs, on the other hand, are not so exciting.
So we made sure that they won't get in your way while you're flirting.
Happy dating!