Avast Secure Browser

Rakendusesisesed ostud
26,1 tuh arvustust
1 mln+
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Rakenduse teave

Avast Secure Browser is a free feature-packed private browser with AdBlock and VPN designed to make secure browsing fast and easy to use. Developed by the cybersecurity experts at Avast, Avast’s private browser automatically blocks ads and trackers that slow you down and includes advanced security and privacy features such as free VPN, anti-tracking, full data encryption, PIN lock, and more for the best private browser experience on Android devices.

Over 400 million users trust Avast for anonymous security and privacy. Download the best AdBlock private browser today and securely browse the web safely!

Fast and Secure Private Browsing
Avast’s privacy browser keeps you hidden from the prying eyes of hackers, trackers, and ISPs. Browse securely with powerful private browser tools such as built-in VPN, Ad Blocker, full data encryption, private search engines, and PIN lock.

🚀 Browse Faster With AdBlock
Avast Secure Browser’s free built-in AdBlocker automatically blocks those annoying ads and trackers that slow you down, dramatically improving web browsing performance and speed while protecting you from trackers as you browse the internet.

🛡️ Stay Secure with Free Built-In VPN
Protect your device and online data with best in class VPN protection. Secure your connection on public Wi-Fi hotspots.

🌎 Unblock the Internet
Connect to a secure VPN server and safely access unrestricted sites, apps, and content with powerful speed and unlimited bandwidth.

🔒 Guard Your Sensitive Data
This is incognito mode on steroids! Avast Secure Browser encrypts all your online data, such as your IP address, browsing history, bookmarks, DNS queries, and more. Downloaded files are automatically encrypted on your device and accessible through the private Media Vault.

🔑 PIN Lock and Fingerprint Unlock
Feel comfortable sharing your mobile device with friends or family knowing your private browsing data is encrypted and locked with your PIN code or fingerprint.

🔃 Secure Syncing Across All Your Devices
Sync your encrypted bookmarks and browser history with Avast Secure Browser on iOS, Mac, Android and Windows devices.

* Free private browser
* Built-in AdBlocker
* Ultra-fast VPN
* Safe private browsing
* Stay secure online
* Ad Blocker to block invasive ads and trackers
* Sync bookmarks and history securely across all your devices
* QR scanner
* Sleek interface
* PIN lock and fingerprint unlock
* Anti-tracking protection
* Customizable browsing modes
* Encrypted file downloads and manager
* Private media players
* Video downloader
* Group tabs for better organization
* Popular dark mode
* Private search engine options
27. mai 2024

Andmete ohutus

Ohutus algab sellest, et mõistaksite, kuidas arendajad teie andmeid koguvad ja jagavad. Andmete privaatsuse ja turvalisuse tavad võivad olenevalt kasutamisest, piirkonnast ja vanusest erineda. Selle teabe esitas arendaja ja seda võidakse aja jooksul värskendada.
Kolmandate osapooltega ei jagata andmeid
Lisateave selle kohta, kuidas arendajad andmete jagamisest teada annavad
See rakendus võib koguda neid andmetüüpe
Isikuandmed, Tegevused rakendustega ja veel 2
Andmed on edastamisel krüpteeritud
Saate taotleda nende andmete kustutamist

Hinnangud ja arvustused

24,6 tuh arvustust
Mart Veli
17. veebruar 2024
Kas see oli teie arvates kasulik?
Arnold Kreedemann
22. juuli 2021
Väga hea
1 inimese arvates oli see arvustus kasulik
Kas see oli teie arvates kasulik?
Avast Software
2. august 2021
Täname teid arvustuse eest! Hindame teie toetust!
Avo Vahersalu
23. juuli 2020
Good , very good! 👍👍👍👍👍
2 inimese arvates oli see arvustus kasulik
Kas see oli teie arvates kasulik?
Avast Software
24. juuli 2020
That's great to hear, Avo! Thank you so much for the positive feedback and review! We appreciate your support! To help us grow, can you share Avast Browser with your friends and family? You can also follow us on Twitter @Avast_antivirus to stay up to date with the latest Avast news. Have a nice day!

Mis on uut?

Exciting news! Bing is now the default search engine in the app, offering improved results and functionality for your searches.